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Hi friends, as you might have read on this very Patreon page, regular livestreams have been part of our content plan since we hit those particular funding tiers. We've been doing semi-regular retro streams via our sister site, USgamer, (which you can watch on the site's YouTube page) but it's about time to bring our video plans to the next level. Soon, we'll be announcing a time slot for regular retro livestreams you can watch live on our Twitch account and archived on our YouTube account, so be sure you're subscribed to those if you want to keep up with us.

The only question that remains then, is this: What do you folks want to see from our weekly streams? Random classics? Serialized longplays? Games chosen based on Patreon polls? There's plenty of options, and since you kind folks are giving us money, it's only fair that you have some say in our streaming plans.

That said, our regular streams should kick off on the first week of October, so be sure you're following our Twitter and Facebook accounts (as well as Patreon) to keep up with announcements. See you soon!




Polls would be cool. I think random streams vs. longplays would depend on the game being played. Maybe you could make your way through an RPG over the course of several weeks but break it up with playthroughs of shorter games or short sessions with games that are being discussed on the podcast soon like Bob has done before.


Also, Retronauts 24 Hour Livestream Charity Marathon featuring Ray in his kacho outfit. Make it happen.


Please consider using YouTube live streaming instead. Twitch has too many quality/technical issues for too many people.


Definitely think you should do polls. I like the idea of longplays but should probably break that up with some smaller game streams too.


I would just like a stream themed with the week's episode.

Kevin Mayo

Long plays with a guest commentator would be great.


It would be nice to do subject themes...like 360 degree controlled shooters--Guerrilla War, Time Soldiers, etc or action platformers...


I would like to see you guys play games that you are passionate and knowledgeable about, whatever that game may be. Random classics sound nice in theory but is kind of a mess in practice if the player doesn't know the game. I prefer a kind of guided tour style of video, with assorted bits of interesting trivia thrown in. Longplays are fine but I agree with the others that are saying to break it up once in a while. Thanks for the great work!

Max Smith

I'd love games that you really know a lot about and can break down. One of my favorite lets play videos ever was Frank Cofaldi playing Gimmick. I'd love to see stuff like that.


Is this for the DVD?