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Sorry for the delay, but this is one of our longest Retronauts Micros to date! Enjoy the unexpectedly rad SimCity tunes of Soyo Oka.




One of my fav game music composers...I'm very partial to Pilotwings, myself...good stuff.

Aaron Schafer

Oh, this is fantastic. The SNES Sim City soundtrack is one of my favourites of all time. Secret of Mana, Castlevania IV, Actraiser, both SNES Final Fantasies, Chrono Trigger, F-Zero...the list goes on, and Sim City is right there among the best of them. It's why I've always felt the Super Nintendo was and remains the pinnacle of video game music. Less limited than the earlier 8 bit systems, but still entirely a thing apart from the later soundtracks of 32 bit and beyond CD-based systems that eventually turned into nothing but completely bland imitations of already-bland movie soundtracks, the SNES was the perfect sweet spot for video game music. (And not nearly so harsh and metallic as the Genesis FM synthesis system.)

Tree Froggy

That first song, Dr. Light's theme, is definitely in Link's Awakening :)