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We're back this week with a brand new deep-dive on a single game! And if you haven't given us a review in the iTunes Music Store yet, would you mind taking a few minutes out of your day to submit one? It really helps more people out there find our show. Thanks, and enjoy the episode!




Excited to listen! Do you think you'll be able to set up a feed so backers can add to podcast apps when they go up on Patreon?

That black guy

Yes I love this game more than I love the idea of having a million dollars. It is my favorite Zelda game for several reasons including the "oh well game is done.... No wait here's this whole second half of the plot " when link between worlds came out I bought a 2DS for it, never owning a 3ds for several reasons. Thank you retronauts even if you bash the ever loving crap out of this game, thank you for the episode. *presses play*


Maybe this episode will finally convince me to go ahead and play this game. Talk about backlogged.


You are officially grounded from Retronauts until you play A Link to the Past. - Bob

David W Hilton

next to super mario world and super metroid this is my favorite snes game....i miss this nintendo