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Another Final Fantasy episode already? Yeah, so it goes. We were planning to hold this one back for a few months, but then Square Enix had to go and announce a super-short lead time for the release of the remastered version of the game. What can ya do? 




The plot of Final Fantasy VIII is basically the same as “Muppet Babies” but if Nanny was an evil sorceress from the future


You have the Seltzer after the Sarisa!


Love any episode that deals with Final Fantasy 1-9!


What podcast app do you all use? The stupid Apple podcast app actually removed my Patreon feeds for both Retronauts and Cane & Rinse, and it keeps unsubscribing me from others. It's very annoying. Looking for alternatives. Thanks.


Agreed! Although I have only played, 1, 4, 5 and 6, and I am somewhat aware of the other games in the series.


Loved hearing the praise of this game as I am very passionate about it which drove me nuts when Rayne and Julia's names were mixed around lol the reason I remember so clearly is the theme of the names Laguna(Father) Rayne(Mother) Squall(son) all water themes names! Great podcast! I love the work you do!


I loved the discussion, but also DIED when they kept confusing Julia and Raine! I was waiting for a correction that never came lol


Jeremy et. al. made a great case to give this one another shot.