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Hello friends, and welcome to another early access episode. This one takes us waaaay back. It's (1) a Kickstarter campaign request episode (one of the last in the queue, coming to us courtesy of Sean Clements); it's (2) from a January recording session (hence the muffled audio quality — it's from that session where our equipment was having some issues); and (3) it takes us back to our very first Kickstarted episode (which we published almost two years ago to the day!) with the return of Vol. III Episode 1 guest Dr. Sparkle.

Obviously, Dr. Sparkle was a must for this episode. Mr. Clements requested we talk about chrongaming (or chronogaming?), and who better to weigh in than the world's most beloved chron(o)gamer? Dr. Sparkle hosts the fantastic Chrontendo series, an inspiration to my own Game Boy World, and no one can better speak to the compulsive neurosis that drives people like us to chronicle the entire library of a video game platform.

I admit this episode did strike me as a bit self-indulgent as I edited it, but that was the request! I am helpless before the requests of Kickstarter backers. I hope you'll understand. We love you all. 

Anyway, enjoy!




Love Dr Sparkle - please quit the day job and set up a Patreon to do the Chron series full time!


Should there be a link,? or am I missing something?


Where's the link


oh god, Dr Sparkle AND (from what i've heard so far) all-Shatterhand music??? two of my favorite things ever.


Definitely. I'm so glad Patreon came into existence--much better than paying for cable.


A player will show up at the top of the post, eventually, but there is no link to actually download the file, so that we can pull it into the player of our choice. I, for one, don't like this setup.

Sean Clements

I hardly consider this self indulgent. When I requested this in 2013 there was no Gameboy World. Thanks a bunch for actually doing this episode. I tried to something a little out of the box with my request, thinking it would be turned down. But you guys did a great job. That and I'm just a sucker for gaming history presented chronologically.