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For our first (bonus) episode of 2019, here's, uh, an interview from nearly a year ago. Ah, well. Consider it an early spring cleaning. Anyway, lots of cool stuff in here from a guy who's had a hand in many interesting and beloved games through the years. So it's all worth it, right? Right.

Art for this episode was provided by Cassie Hart Kelly!

Description: In an episode that's nearly retro itself, we go back to GDC 2018 for an interview with Zynga's Mark Turmell on his historic work, including NBA Jam, NFL Blitz, Hasbro's failed NEMO console, and the spiritual connection between arcade and mobile gaming.




Since the episode was taped a year ago, I have to wonder....what was the myaterious game???


In the year since this interview do you know if anyone has contacted Mark Turmell about archiving the Police Academy VHS footage?


I've made a few interested parties aware of it. Not sure if anything has happened beyond that, though. — JP