Retronauts 191: 2019 Years-in-Review Revue, Pt. I (Patreon)
Season's greetings, everyone! This week we have a new twist on an old standard. The "new twist" being that, uhhh, the Retronauts East crew gets sidetracked a lot and we only made it halfway through this episode's outlined notes... like always, come to think of it. But it's a fun episode all the same — perhaps all the more fun for its digressions, or at least that's what I'm telling myself.
This marks the first time the entire Retronauts East crew has recorded together. Benj, Ben, Chris, and I all sit down for nearly two hours here to welcome a new year by once again looking back at the most important video game landmarks of 10, 20, 30, 40, and even 50 (!) years ago. Sort of. We only get halfway through 1989, having spent a lot more time than you might think possible on ’69 and ’79.
In short, it is very much a quintessential East conversation, if you're into that kind of thing. In addition to all the times we wander into the weeds, you've got Benj alternately dropping deep historic knowledge and playfully needling me by trying to derail our stream of conscious with semantic distractions, Chris alternately dropping deep pop culture trivia and playing devil's advocate with increasingly outlandish claims, Ben playing the role of "calm center," and me trying desperately to herd conversational kittens.
And I'm afraid there's no escape from the inevitable second part to this episode sometime in early 2019...