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Last month, I joined Bob and Henry (Gilbert) to discuss the history of the G.I. Joe cartoon; this week's bonus episode is a follow-up to that, with a dive into all the classic/not-so-classic games based on G.I. Joe... uh, and quite a bit of discussion of the comic book. Which is to be expected when a comics expert sits in on the show, I suppose. I highly recommend checking out the "There's No Place Like Springfield" episode of What a Cartoon before listening to this episode, but it does stand alone. No observance of continuity is required, unlike with the comic book.

And by all means, please, do NOT stop all the downloadin'.




Halfway through & I want to thank Chris Sims for a great gift idea for my wife (a huge Scarlet fan), the Silent Interlude hardcover. Didn't even know this work existed, so I'm glad you mentioned it. In a token of appreciation, where should I mail a coupon for a free body massage or a free porkchop sandwich to? 😄

John Learned

A few years ago (2010, maybe?), I went to an Xbox even in San Francisco. One of the kiosks was the re-release of Perfect Dark, and the guy demoing the game seemed out of place because he was noticeably older than all of the other PR or Marketing people running all of the other games. I asked a few questions about the game and took his business card, but only looked at it hours later to find that the guy was Ken Lobb. I really wish I had paid attention sooner, because I wanted to ask all kinds of questions about GI Joe


I met Larry Hama once at a sci-fi authors event and I didn’t realize who he was until after I had left! Damn shame, I must have drawn Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes well over a thousand times as a kid. I was very much into the comic, even though I knew it as Action Force. Larry Hama definitely deserves credit in introducing Ninjas in a major way into western pop culture. Even though I doubt Hama was an influence on Metal Gear, there was definitely something familiar and comforting in Cyborg Ninja and the rest of Foxhound when they appeared on the PS1. I can also see shades of Hama’s work in the dueling Ninja clans of Mortal Kombat. It was a great comic, Larry Hama rules and the arcade game kicks ass!


If you want a fun blowjob related gaming story, in World War 2 American pilots derisively referred to the German ME-262 jet fighter as the "Blowjob" due to its huge sucking engines. As a result a few flight sims in the 1980's and 90's took to this nomenclature in their games themselves where American pilots would say stuff like "Blowjobs on the horizon!" and "Blowjob down!" This is how I learned the word Blowjob strangely enough and according to some flight sim gaming forums I visit I'm not the only one.

Eino Keskitalo

This is an example of an episode I'd on the surface wouldn't be interested in but would get a lot out of listening to it. My expectations towards G.I. Joe have been very low (even as a kid) so the praise and history was refreshing to listen to. My personal G.I. Joe story: I read quite a bit of Marvel comics as a child, and one Christmas my sister got me a G.I. Joe comic. I was actually slightly upset of not getting a 'proper' Marvel comic instead, but after reading it, I had to admit it was a very good story (it might have been some sort of origin story for Snake Eyes). I still held on to my low opinion of the franchise! Sounds like this one story was not a fluke.


Is it just me or does Benj Edwards contribute very little to the podcast except throwing in distracting comments from time to time............