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Thanks to the magic of planning, I (Bob) have scheduled three episodes in a row about 3D Sonic games. Earlier this week, we talked about Sonic Adventure, and next month we'll talk about Sonic Adventure 2. And as for this episode? Well, if you're one of those weirdos who reads the title last, allow me to inform you that this Micro is fully dedicated to YOUR thoughts about the 3D Sonic games. So sit back and relax as Henry Gilbert and myself read and respond to listener questions about Sonic's post-2D era. And look forward to a Sonic Adventure 2 episode in May. Or dread it. It's totally your call!




Slight correction: Sonic Boom was made in CryEngine which is even worse than Unity. They were developing it for the Xbox 360/PS3 and then halfway through development, they were told it was for Wii U. So they just moved what they had over to the Wii U which didn't support CryEngine and they had to rebuild CryEngine on their own to support the Wii U with little support from Crytek. Disclaimer: I like Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric as a bad PS2-era platformer.

Will Oliver

Thank you for recording this After the Sonic Adventure episode launched. I'm not the biggest Sonic fan but appreciate hearing about it. Oh and will you ever do another movie month? Those episodes (The Wizard, Mortal Kombat, Super Mario Bros) are some of my favorite Bob episodes!


Bob - no need to apologize for voicing your opinions..... I have never thought of you as a super-negative hater who loves to diss everything. I'm surprised that anyone thinks that. Keep doing your thing and don't worry about the miffed Sonic fans who can't take criticism of their favorites.