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Sonic the Hedgehog essentially sat out the 32-bit generation, which dealt a serious blow to Sega's financial situation. But by the time the company was ready to launch their new hardware, Sega finally delivered what a generation of gamers had been screaming about for years: a TRUE 3D Sonic game. On this week's episode of Retronauts, join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, Ray Barnholt, and Caty McCarthy as the crew digs into Sonic's first 3D outing and decides if it's a stellar success or an ambitious failure.




Without even listening to this episode first-hand, while being a Retronauts fan for 11 years now, I can safely assume that the ultimate result will be the cast slamming SA1 as a colossal failure of a game, that and the sly anti-modern Sonic era bias the cast has hinted upon for years. SA1 may be dated as hell, I still think it has some of the strongest Sonic soundtracks ever, and the original Dreamcast version is still a league above than the Gamecube slapdash port that tarnished everything decent about the game. That version seems to be the one everybody likes to use as an excuse to bash SA1 to begin with anyhow. Anyways, I'm just making an assumption as I'm downloading the episode now, and you know what they say on making assumptions...

Ryan Langley

In Sonic Adventure Robotnik was still Robotnik (with some sly references. "Whatever you say, Eggman"). SA2 they went full Eggman, but made it a nickname, with his Grandfather being "Gerald Robotnik" in all languages.


You know. Bob Mackey's snarkiness and negativity removes the fun from some episodes. Things are "shitty", they "suck" or are "awful", etc. Same with the recent Metal Gear Mailbag episode. There is a way to discuss games, developers or elements you don't like and to address their shortcomings without sounding overtly petty, bratty or disrespectful. The negative tone is not funny really, and rather unpleasant in the long run. Just my two cents. 😑 EDIT: .......Yeah that was a slog. I think I'll skip the Sonic Adventure 2 episode. What was the point?


Sonic Adventure certainly shows its age these days, but there is some decent, dumb fun in it. I feel the same could be said of Sonic Adventure 2. I will go to bat for Sonic Unleashed though. I feel that was the first time Sonic Team nailed the feel of 3D Sonic which retained the speed while giving full control over the character in every day stage. I do like the Werehog levels, but I'm not going to try to defend that as I'm an Omega Force fan.

John Polishimpossible2say

While I agree with Bob's opinions one hundo percent in this video and the older Sanic one, I think (I only first really noticed this in the Metal Gear mail cast) that occasionally on a podcast he loops back to the SAME sounding negative x snotty tone (sorry) so much in an episode that it does come off as bratty. I get it though, Sanic is one of those "things" that any amount of criticism in a video will almost guarantee an amount of heat not in reasonable proportion to said criticism. Being overly bratty here, makes humaney sense since he is probably feedback looping on that perceived past and future hate. But while I do enjoy disrespectful or all manner of "blasphemy" in general, he sort of makes this episode feel a little poisonous, if that makes sense. I'M NOT UNSUBBING BOB, just consider "falling with style."


RN folks do best with the underground, the subtle, and Nintendo. I've listened ever since the 1up days, and despite loving their work, their schoolyard Nintendo allegiance makes giving any level of credit to Sega work a chore at best. And fair enough -- if I didn't grow up experiencing the joys of the other team's work and learning to forgive the less than great parts, I'd have a pretty narrow well of actual experience to draw on too.


Sonic was never meant to be played in 3 dimensions. The answer to the question did they learn from SA1 is no, it got worse from there. Sonic Generations is tolerable because it caters to those of us who love the classic STH AND you can play that shit on a 3D TV, which makes Sonic in 3 dimensions almost reasonable to control.

James Eldred

You guys are really "dammed if you do, damned if you don't" on episodes like this. I thought it was a funny, fair assessment of a game that was barely passable when it came out, and is damn near unplayable now.


Humor is always subjective, but I personally find that the tone was off on an episode like this. I follow Retronauts because I want insightful examinations of older games and praise or criticism that stems from a place of love above all else. How does a tangent on Kojima's supposedly "awful movie taste" serve that for instance? A little humor is the spice of life, but Mr. Mackey's constant, droning negativity quickly becomes a draining schtick. I was looking forward to a Sonic Adventure episode, a very fascinating game in Sega's history. But it became the Bob Mackey snark show instead. There are an endless amount of "bro" or "angry" gaming podcasts if all I want are mean spirited and shallow take downs of bad games. And there are several other Retronauts hosts that manage to criticize flawed games without sounding disrespectful. It's a matter of style and tone more so than content.

El Pescado

“Sonic just doesn’t work in 3D...”. I mean, did it ever really work in 2D?

Will Oliver

Good to hear Ray.


Since I had a single parent who loved me and my sister, we had both systems, and nothing makes me happier than hearing Sonic get dunked on. Even as a 90's baby, I never liked him as a mascot. My Genesis was mainly used for cross-plat games and exclusives like Streets of Rage and the Shinobi games.


I'm baffled at Ray saying SA2 is a downgrade from the first one. SA1 did not really work for me when I tried it, but I really love SA2. It's the time Sonic's weird comic book universe has worked best, and has that amazing soundtrack, and all those gameplay formats that didn't work great in the first game were ironed out into something fun. I think "Sonic doesn't work in 3d" is a bit of an old man cloud yelling thing at this point.