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Hello, friends! Here we are at the last Monday of 2014, and we at Retronauts are making sure it goes out with... hmm, actually it's kind of a quiet note. It's another Micro episode, this time on the Sega Master System semi-classic Zillion. Since I received entirely positive feedback on the NPR-ish TI-99/4A episode from a few weeks back, that's the approach I've taken here. (If you hate this style, you've really gotta speak up.) OK, yeah, it's a quiet note, but I did manage to track down a rockin' 1980s-vintage Japanese vocal arrangement of the game's main theme, so please enjoy that little slice of wonder.For the moment, you can download the podcast here. We still haven't figured out how to create a password-protected RSS feed for early access, but we're working on it! (Advice is very welcome.) Enjoy the show, and thanks for supporting us in 2014... hopefully you'll be with us through 2015, too.— Jeremy




Very awesome! One of my fav games of all time...


Listening now. Giantbomb have a member only RSS feed that is password protected and it works well. Maybe ask them?


Great episode. Happy New Year, 'Nauts!