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Didn't play The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask? You're not alone! With most of the world being wrapped up in PlayStation 2-mania during that memorable month of October 2000, this black sheep of the Zelda family went forgotten, only to build up a devoted following over the past 15 years. And, with a 3DS remake on the way, there's never been a better time to talk about why Majora's Mask is simply unforgettable. On this episode, join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, and Laser Time's Chris Antista as they live out the end of their three-day cycles discussing one of the greatest Zeldas of all time.




I loved the heck out of Majora's Mask, enough so that I recall taking a stab at writing an HTML walkthrough of it to post on my shitty Geocities website. Ah, those were the days... Incidentally, what is the music in this episode? I enjoy VGM remixes/arrangements, and I don't think I've heard these tracks before.


Time Stalkers was another roguelike game of the era that I found impenetrable at the time. I still don't enjoy that style of game very much, but I think it's more to do with the dungeon-crawling aspect rather than losing progress. I'm playing Persona 3 for the first time (my first Persona game) and I was surprised to find out that it's basically a straight-up dungeon crawler, with all the blandness and repetition that comes with it. I didn't expect that for such a highly-regarded game. Hopefully the visual novel parts keep me interested.


Great micro episode! 'Nuff said.