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Despite the many attempts to transform Dune into something a little more palatable to the mainstream, Frank Herbert's 800-page sci-fi epic didn't truly catch fire with the mainstream until the release of the recent two-part adaptation by Denis Villeneuve. So what's going on with this book, and why have so many failed to translate it to a different medium? On this episode of Retronauts, join Bob Mackey, Jeremy Parish, Diamond Feit and Merritt K as the crew dives deep into the countless dunes of... Dune.



John Simon

I got turned onto dune 2 when a friend pitched it as “It’s like sim city except the cities have buildings to build tanks and blow each other up” Obligatory, I can’t believe you didn’t discuss: (spins wheel) The Atreides Royal Pug https://youtu.be/bj3-Ay6VCX8?feature=shared

Zachary Adams

There was an early Nickelodeon show that ran what would eventually be DVD extras, so when it was coming out I BEGGED my parents to take me to the Lynch movie and they refused. I've only ever read the first 2 books, but I've read them both several times. I told a friend that I'd really enjoyed the first 2 books and she described the Sex Fight and a couple other things from later books, and I just said "welp, I've read a basically perfect two-book story, and I'm going to stop there."

V. Bellveil

Unfortunately, Rhianna Pratchett has started to follow in Brian Herbert's footsteps with the 2023 release of a new Discworld book. To her credit, Kevin J. Anderson isn't involved, so perhaps it will turn out a bit better.


I think you might have conflated Dune 2000 with Emperor: Battle for Dune, a fully 3D RTS game where the biggest name they got was Michael Dorn so he got to be Duke Atreides. It follows a completely different storyline where the emperor gets assassinated (I think) before the events of the book kick off. Everyone has mechs for some reason. Also has this neat sub-faction mechanic where you can ally with two of the smaller players, such as house ix or the now leaderless saurdaukars. I also don’t think you covered the inexplicable 2001 “Frank Herbert’s Dune”, which I think was cryo’s last game before they went under. It didn’t really coincide with the release of anything (unless they wanted to tie in with the prequels for some reason) and I’m much less familiar with this game.


Amusingly we had two different TNG actors having played people within house atreides just not at the same time

Diamond Feit

seems to be a spinoff of sorts rather than a proper continuation, possibly aimed at kids? she co-wrote it with a children's author and it has a very friendly cover.