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Chip has always been a bit of a slob when it comes to keeping his room clean, Lois having tried everything to get him to change his sloven ways. Bargaining with him, reasoning with him, and even out-and-out threatening him has yielded a zero-sum-total result. The one thing she hasn't tried, due mostly in part to her husband's dislike of the idea, is to reward him.

Standing in Chip's doorway, staring into his room, Lois wrinkles her nose...disgusted by not only the mere sight of it but the smell as well. Weeks worth of dirty laundry piled up in the corner, pizza boxes and various fast-food wrappers scattered here and there, and all manner of half-drunk soda cans and energy drinks lining his computer desk. In the middle of it all, Chip snoozes the weekend away, face-down across his bed...

Read the story and discover the benefits of good behavior at the $5 tier level.  :D

Original Sketch by Rage Grenade

Colors and Edits by Phillipthe2



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