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It’s been over a decade since Erin’s ousting from Esurance, now living a relatively quiet life in suburbia.  Sure, she made the typical rounds of convention gigs, signing autographs and taking selfies with fans for a few bucks, but as time passed the fanfare waned.  Forced to fall back on her education...gained long before the advertising industry got a hold of her...Erin disappeared into the relative obscurity of a small-town librarianship.

However, once you've gotten a taste of the celebrity life, it’s a little hard to give it all up.  A mousy civil servant being far cry from from the caviar and cocaine lifestyle she‘d been accustomed to, she still craves the limelight. Not to mention the pay…. As a celebrity spokeswoman, it was nothing but penthouse apartments and limousines. As a librarian, she can barely afford to pay the rent on her tiny split-level ranch-style house out in the sticks, much less put gas in her shitty econobox of a car.

Sitting at her breakfast table, Erin scrolls the internet on her laptop, looking at potential side gigs. Nothing jumps out at her...just a bunch of work-at-home schemes and ads for all manner of scam-sounding opportunities. Several hours and most of a bottle of white Zinfandel later, Erin happens upon the YourFans website.

She’d done a couple of near-nude spreads in various men's magazines back in her heyday, but nothing overly risqué.  All she needs is a decent camera, a tripod, and a little wherewithal.  She already has the name recognition and a closet full of skimpy lingerie.  Including the ’sexy librarian’ angle, how hard could it be?

Erin: (thinking) Oh yeah, we’re doing this.

Several months and several hundred thousand subscribers later, Erin lies in a kiddie pool in her backyard, posing for the camera in a barely-there bikini. A sensual lip bite as she slips her bikini strap off her shoulder.  Ka-click. Biting the tip of her tongue while giving the lens a little reveal of her areola.  Ka-Click.  Thumbs hooked into her bottoms, smirking as she shows the camera a hint of her landing strip.  Ka-Click.

With just the non-nude tiers she's managed to buy her little house from her former landlord. Gone is the crappy econobox, replaced with something red and sporty.  A few more nude tier supporters and she may even put in a real pool.

On her hands and knees, her heart-shaped ass facing the camera, labia puffing out around a tiny swatch of fabric that hides her nethers. Ka-Click. Naked from the waist up, laying back in the water, hands cupping her tan-lined breasts, a teasing amount of nipple peeking out from between her fingers. Ka-Click.  Oh-face and half-closed eyes...save for an arm draped across her boobs and a single finger between her legs to hide her bubblegum, she's totally nude. Ka-Click.

Erin: (thinking) That’ll get me another ten thousand followers.

The digits and appendages slip aside, revealing Erin in all of her glory.

Erin: (thinking) And now for the top tiers…

Download them here and here.

Original Art by Tapdon

Edits and Colors by Phillipthe2



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