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I‘m also getting a standalone pinup commish of KP from @A_Rodjim …just because.  No hints. Trust me, you’ll like it. 


Didn't I say that I need to starting writing these at least once a month?  Yeah, I did say that....three months ago.  *rolls eyes*

First and foremost, I've got another continuation of the 'Home Movies' series done, but it is on hold due to scheduling with other pieces and/or I'm in the middle of writing the story.  I figure it should come out in first or second week of December.  Likewise, I have an Ann/Kim piece (think 'take your daughter to work day') that I completed a while back...again, waiting on scheduling and story writing.

For the TaleSpin fans, I'm actually working on two separate Rebecca Cunningham pics.  One is a straight pin-up and other is, shall we say, at the opposite end of the spectrum.  The lineart for one or both should be done and posted this coming week.

On the Goof Troop front, ya'll have already seen the lineart for the next Peg-o-my-Heart, but that one may be getting re-titled as a one-off.  Stripper dancing in a real estate property to doing it on a boat is a bit of a stretch, even for me.  I've also got a commish in the works for Sylvia Marpole.  The sketch of our favorite Spoonerville librarian will be coming out tomorrow.

Also coming out this week, the continuation of Elroy Jetson's pursuit of 'merit badges'.  On the same token, I went back through that meandering series and saw that I still haven't written the story for one of them.  For continuity-sake, I may go back and...much the same as I did for the 'Harvey Birdman' ones...rewrite / re-title the stories.

The 'Councilwoman One' series continues.  I've got a commish going with creator of all things Venture Bros awesomeness, Titania.Gold.  It's only in the preliminary phase...pose, reference material, exchange-o-currency, etc...so I don't expect to see any rough sketches and the like for at least a coupla weeks.

Other random coloring stuff that I've either started or are nearing completion include an ever-the-workaholic Lilian Test (from Johnny Test), Aeolus06's OC 'Giggles', and a pseudo-continuation of Pebbles Flintstone's part-time job.



Hey Philip, I've been following your stuff ever since the first Home Movies (I think it's been like 3 years now?) And I've always wondered this but never asked... Have you ever considered doing a creampie scene with Kim/Ann and Tweebs/James? I've been kinda hoping it would come along for some time now but I've never seen it really develop so I'm kinda just throwing some lightbulbs at you :D


Actually, I already have a Kim/Tweebs one that's half-done. It's just the working characters, a lot of 'splatter', and no background. In my minds eye (story-wise) they'd be discussing what professionals film makers use in lieu of said 'splatter'. :P :D


Oh wow, that sounds great! I'd love to see what you manage to come up for that! :D now you got me all excited.