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It's a quiet winter's day at the Griffin residence, the year's first snowfall having come the night before. Not quite enough to pull out the snowblower and keep the kids home from school, but just enough to wanna pull out a sweater, kick the furnace up a few notches, and snuggle the day away. With Peter at work and the kids at school, Lois puts Stewie down for his mid-morning nap...and then does just that.

After a quick trip to the bedroom to change out of her usual teal green button-up blouse and tan slacks, Lois finds herself standing in the downstairs hallway in front of the thermostat. Clad in a turtleneck sweater that comes down to the creases below her butt cheeks...and nothing else...she turns the dial up, an impish smile forming in the corner of her mouth. Brian, sitting at the kitchen table, absorbed in an editorial in the morning newspaper, pays little attention as she strides into the room.

As if on cue, the furnace blower kicks on with a whiny squeak of old belts.

Lois: Jesus, I'm absolutely burning up in here! Did you turn the heat up, Brian?

Knowing full well that if he doesn't acknowledge the woman she'll just continue to pester him...such is the way in the Griffin household. Brian looks over his reading glasses, the newspaper blocking most of his view of what she's wearing, he responds to the wool-sporting housewife.

Brian: Erm, I'm wearing a rather permanent fur coat, so... Yes, it's always warm in here. Maybe if you take off that swea...

Leaning over the kitchen sink, the bottom hem of her sweater riding up her derrière, Lois gives the dog a suggestive wink. Lowering his newspaper, Brian blinks. Wide-eyed, he stares on as Lois playfully wiggles her hips.

Brian: ...terrrr.

Setting the paper down and removing his glasses, the dog wipes a bit of perspiration from his brow as he looks away in awkward embarrassment.

Brian: Why, yes. Now that you mention it, Lois... (clears his throat) It is a tad warm in here.

Original Art by Hackman23

Colors and Edits by Phillipthe2



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