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Goofin' around with a KP screenshot to use as background for an upcoming piece....and ended up making the Tweeb's Mad Dogs mascot head instead.

Sorry, this one isn't available in 8k.

My (real) work is in full-on hurricane mode (even if it's just a tropical storm), so don't be surprised if you don't see a post on Friday.  Just have to see what this storm does today and tomorrow.

**Update**  Tropical Storm Elsa was pretty much a non-event for this part of Florida.  Friday’s pic will be posted as usual. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. 

Original Art by Phillipthe2




Well be safe and make sure to duck

Robert B.

No worries on the art, save your energies for what you need to do around the house. Life 1st, art 2nd, maybe even 3rd. ;-) Stay safe and be careful.