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Peg, having dragged a frantic and confused PJ home from "work", just wants to get into the shower for a little alone time...

Pete: Jeez, honey, what's PJ all worked up about?
Peg: (sighs, annoyed) I...I don't know, dear.  It's been a long day.  I just need a long, hot shower and forget about work and the kids for a while.
Pete: Bad day at the office, huh?
Peg: You have no idea.
Pete: Alright, well, that Goof kid is gonna sleep over tonight.  Maybe he can figure out what's buggin' that boy.  I'll tell 'em to keep it down to a low roar.
Peg: Thank you, dear.
Peg slips into the shower and tries to forget all of her troubles.  Just as she's beginning to enjoy herself, there's a knock at the bathroom door.
Peg: Nuh-not now, sw-sweetie.  Mommy's in the sh-shower.
Max: (opens the door and sticks his head in) Ahem...am I interrupting?
Peg: (quickly covers her naughty bits with her hands) Max?!?  I...I'm not decent!
Max: (closes the door behind him and grins)  Nothing I haven't seen before.
Peg: Oh, har-har, very funny.  You two nearly cost me my job, you know.  Now, quit gawking and hand me a towel.
Max grabs a hand towel and smiles cheekily.  Peg rolls her eyes and seductively gives Max the 'come hither' finger gesture.
Peg: Dry me, smart ass.

See the first version here.

Original Art by Jab
Edits and Colors by Phillipthe2 



Jeremy Edwards

Man, Petg is hawt! Only Roxanne is hawtter!

Robert B.

I can see why Peg needs a shower, she's just as horny now as she was on stage. Max may not know what he's about unleash.