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You can hear traffic and movement, this isn't polished or anything.

Skip this audio if you don't want to hear from the person behind the audios. If you've been wondering what the hell I'm going through or who I am when I'm not playing pretend, then this one's for you.



You’ve been through a lot. Please take all the time you need. Give yourself permission to rest and heal. The work will always be there when you’re ready.

Evan Allen

The way I view patreon, it's support of *you*. Which means that I am most concerned in how you're doing and what I can do to enable you to do the things you love. You have set tiers wirh expected rewards, but I would feel a whole lot better at the end of the month if you can honestly say you're doing better than you were at the start as opposes to delivering anything that you didn't want to be doing. You have so many stressors, I don't want to be another one.


Speaking for myself I'm glad you made this getting to know the real you makes the experience that much better. Everyone griefs differently and has no time frame so no need to rush but doing this talking to people I think goes a long way for healing those deep wounds you have. We can feel your pain just through how your talking and the huge weight you feel but the people that truly care about you and your work will still be here so no need to worry. Just know someone doesn't have to know everything about you to care about you and always know you can turn to people to help because sometimes in life you can't do it by yourself. I hope you get better and feel like doing what your passionate about again and just know you always have a ear to listen to your ramblings.

Hugo The Marvelous

Sounds like you are still in mourning. Do what you need to. Do we want you back? of course we do. be you need to be for you!. take your time. It's ok. It will get better but rest. Hugs

D. B.

First of all, I want to say that l am new to your work. I recently heard an audio series you did on Literotica and l instantly became a fan of yours. I myself currently dealing with some personal issues that has become a little bit too much for me. After hearing your work, I decided to seek you out on Patreon to become a Patreon supporter of yours. I found you and now I see that you yourself is dealing with personal issues and matters of the heart And hadn't posted in A while. I Send my condolences to you and I am sorry for your loss. You are human. Though you are here to entertain your fans who seek entertainment and escape from their life with your audio work, who is there for you when you need an escape? Who is there for you when you need time to recover from trials and tribulations we all face in life? I cannot speak for anyone else but I can only speak for myself when I say you take your time as long as you need To deal with all the things that you're dealing with before you come back 100%. Everyone, including entertainers, need a break. Your needs come before anyone else's needs. Take care of yourself 1st.


Please take care of yourself before us. You are the best thing you have. Don't let pressure you have for yourself, for us, make you do things your not ready for. Much love.


Time heals all wounds unfortunately this one is gonna take longer than most to recover. Keep your head up and try to remember the good times you had with her. Bear with me as I quote a certain character on this unfortunate circumstance we find ourselves in… “What is Grief, if not love persevering?” Honoring your grandmothers memories and remembering what makes her…well her will feel like she’s still here in a sense. Take care of yourself Caitlyn I sincerely hope you push through this dark cloud. And eventually see the sun shine upon you once again.❤️


You were there when I was at my lowest and your audios helped me. Now it's my turn to return the favor. If you feel like it's to much to bear, we'll be right here with our arms out to pick you back up and dust you off.


You're worth more than just what you can give to other people. 👍👍 Always take care of yourself first. "Give til it hurts" is frequently misunderstood. In context it actually means taking care of your family/yourself first; only helping others after you are sustained. Doing anything else is irresponsible we'll be waiting for you 👍🙃🙂


My condolences on your loss. Thanks for sharing your vulnerability with us. Part of what's special about your audios is the unique, creative person you are, and that includes the bad times, like we all face sometimes. Please take the time you need, and I look forward to your return when you're ready.


My condolences on your loss. You dont have to speed things up and you dont have to be better. Take your Time.


Pain like this doesn’t go away fast no matter how we want it to I’m sorry that you have to go through this pain at the moment but like you said eventually it will calm down, for now rest and recovery are what’s best and only you know what that rest and recovery entails


I get the feeling of only being able to talk about things after they’ve happened. Unfortunately, there’s no way to speed up the healing process, it’s gonna take as long as it takes. You said it yourself, you need more time than you thought. Take that time


Thanks for recording this. You might not be aware of how many people come to your work for a sense of connection. Please don't rush your grieving. People talk about "getting over" stuff but in reality you only ever get "through" it. The only fast option is to leave things unresolved, leave tears un-cried, which has disastrous side effects like your body going into "full revolt" when you try to create. As uncannily skilled as you are at what you do, it's never going to be like cranking out widgets. You can't just tough it out when it relies on some very tender parts of you, that need inconvenient things like time and support to recover from a loss like this. Thankyou for not pausing your pledges and allowing us to support you a little through this time.