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I said something on Twitter about it, but I forget not all of you follow me there.
She passed away after struggling for weeks. My family is in shambles at the moment and I'm grieving.
I'm not quitting, and I'm not intentionally ignoring you guys.
I'm grateful to everyone for your patience, I know it's been frustrating not having new audios yet.
Nan's funeral is tomorrow.
I will have audios coming out in the next few days and your tier exclusives will be posted before the end of the month.
I totally get it if you decide this is too human or too heavy and there are no hard feelings, anyone who leaves is always welcome to come back when I'm back to my usual consistency.

That said, I don't want to wallow in this for too long so I have to pull myself out. I'll see you Monday with a new audio. Probably some soft GFE.

I miss you guys and I miss working, but most of all I miss my grandmother.



I'm sorry for your loss. :(

Mark Edwards Edelstein

So sorry for your loss. This is definitely the time to be with and to vote energy to family.

Bryan Peterson

Sorry for your loss. Hugs.


Sorry for your loss Audi, but smile cause at the end of the day your grandmother knew how much you loved her and how much she meant to you. No rush, take all the time you need and we'll be waiting for you. XoXo. :)


I am sorry for your loss ❤️


Take your time audi. We aren't going anywhere and everything will get better. I'm glad you got to spend time with her in her final moments. She loves you and she knows you love her

Shadowy Fox

I'm so sorry that it's been so difficult for you and your family. Take all the time you need. I'll still be hanging around.


I’m never certain if I should like or not like these posts because one way to interpret it is an expression of support, another is.. yay? Regardless, I hope you take as long as you need. Longer, in fact.. oftentimes this’ll creep up on you, especially during the quiet moments.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Please take all the time you need to heal and mourn, no one will- or should, blame you for wanting some time for yourself. Have yourself a well-deserved rest, Audi! ❤️