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Hello Brains & Hearts!

We’re about to have a tiny brain or heart join us soon – Jessica is currently in the hospital about to give birth, just as the UK release of the book is about to drop! We’ll update you all when that happens (and probably share some cute pics of both!) – in the meantime, we’ve got some How to ADHD related updates for you!



What’s up, Everyone? 

We wanted to thank each and every one of you for your kindness and your support. Your encouragement and reminders to be human are seen and always appreciated.  Because of you, Jessica is able to take two months away and bond with her new baby which means the world to her. We couldn’t be more grateful. And we’re not quite so terrified being without her! 


Greetings, SUPERbrains! 

This month we wanted to know which of our three major video flavours you wanted to see cut down into Shorts first! Thanks to all of your votes, we’ll be looking at Science Communication videos to cutdown! Can you guess what March’s poll is going to be about? ;) 

Click here to review February's poll!


Hello, Wonderbrains!

Book signings, TV sets, and Chloe, oh my! You can peek behind the curtain and watch some of the never-before-seen footage captured during the first month and a half of the book’s release! 

Click here to watch February’s behind-the-scenes video!

Brain Board

Good day, Brain Board! 

As many of you know, February’s Brain Board was cancelled for baby-almost-here reasons! Brain Board being a livestream means it’s not something we can pre-record, so will be impacted briefly during this maternity leave period. 

Keep your eyes open for updates regarding March, as Jessica wasn’t sure if she’d be ready yet… or if she’d be eager to connect with some Adult Humans. And won’t know until later in March. 


UK Release of How to ADHD The Book!! | March 7, 2024

Click here to view some UK purchasing options!

Hello UK Brains!! WE ARE ALMOST THERE. The waiting is almost done! We’re in the home stretch! We know, the wait’s been tough, we’ve been impatient about it too!! Soon UK Brains will be able to buy the book and we are so ready to see pictures and hear your thoughts on it!



This Month’s Featured Video
My Pregnancy Journey with ADHD: An Update

Click here to watch My Pregnancy Journey with ADHD: An Update!

Other Video Releases


We have lots of content planned for the next couple of months, but Jessica will be out on maternity leave until May – so Harley, J2, and Eddie will be running the show! Bwahaha. Impishness shall abound. Thank you as always for your support, and feel free to reach out if YOU need support accessing our content, accessing our Discord, have questions about the book, or otherwise need assistance. You can send us a DM on Patreon o reach out to our Community Manager, Harley, at harley@howtoadhd.com.

If you need crisis support visit findahelpline.com for crisis resources. <3


Jill Kadtke

I am FREAKING out. My favorite band (Twenty One Pilots) is dropping a new song the same day my favorite creator drops a new human. Leap Day is GOOD day!