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Hello Patreon brains!

Just wanted to give you all a sneak peek as to what's coming --

this Thursday, we'll post a fun video unboxing the Fidget Cube, and after that we have a lot of cool stuff either already shot or planned. In no particular order:

--an interview with Brett Thornhill, an ADHD coach and half of the fantastic podcast "The ADD Couple," about being diagnosed later in life and the special challenges that comes with

--an interview with Jo about her work with using our videos to create an ADHD "club" for her middle school students -- and what a difference it's made

--a regular episode about exercise and ADHD -- why it's challenging, why it helps, and what kind is most effective for our brains!

--a special episode about homework challenges, with Nobel Coaching's Top 10 Tips for tackling them,


--an episode featuring Dr. Ned Hallowell!!! In case you haven't heard the name, he's an MD who wrote "Driven to Distraction" and "Delivered From Distraction." He found our show and loves it, I'll be on his podcast soon and have him on our show as soon as his busy schedule permits. Eeeeeeee! 

Let me know if there are any other topics you'd like to see me tackle soon, with our new research team we can take on almost anything!



Suggested Topic :) The music of techno which helps improve concentration.


Or just music for concentration - I find jazz and Indian raggas very helpful!


Would love to see something on asking for accommodations at work (ADA, employee rights, etc.). I've been fortunate that it's never been much of a problem, but I think this would still be super useful info!.... Also, if you ever need any help with research, I literally have a masters degree in research (MLIS) including a lot of coursework in psychology, human biology and now my Consumer Health Information Specialist certification. :)