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Hello Patreon Brains! For those of you who haven't met Jo (above), she's a middle school teacher who created an ADHD club for her students using our videos and has been doing amazing work and seeing powerful changes in them. This week, she flew out all the way from New York so I could interview her about it, as well as to meet with me and talk about how we can connect with educators and students so they get the support they need as soon as possible. Exciting stuff, I'll post previews of the interview here!




Hi Jo and hello to the most FABULOUS Angel Jessica,


Oops! ...Just an idea. To reach some more teachers maybe y'all could make a kit (so to speak) and upload it to the teachers paying teachers site and/or see if you could partner with YMCA's current initiative ABC Cornerstone. BTW THANK YOU for ALL You Do! It. TRULY. Helps! More than I can express EVER!