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Hello again everyone! 

We have some ideas of some strengths we may have due to ADHD, but we need help thinking of a lot more and would love to hear *your* ideas! 

What strengths do you have that you attribute to your ADHD? What strengths do you see in fellow neurodivergents that you appreciate due to their ADHD? 

What's a strength? 

Strengths can be a character trait or skill! They can include skills, talents, attributes, or even knowledge! (For example, Creative problem-solving is a strength!)

Let us know your answers below! We'd love to craft a list of about 20 strengths that people can refer to to help find their strengths. 😊



I have two nieces, one has ADHD & Dyslexia. Their mum was saying to me the other day that her ADHD child, while being the younger, is always amazing in a crisis - if something happens and the girls are along, she’ll be the one directing who does what, goes where etc. I put it down at least partly to the focussing effects of Adrenalin for someone with ADHD.


In learning that I have ADHD I spent a LOT of time googling -Why do I do (THING)?- and realized all these difficulties I never could seem to overcome where because I had ADHD combined with neurotypical solutions. Thinking of it now I owe my adventurous spirit to my ADHD, and I owe my being a Jack-of-all-trades to it as well. When I was young I did gymnastics, karate, and loved running around the neighborhood with my friends playing make believe heavily based on the dungeons and dragons. As I got older I transitioned into painting Warhammer miniatures to the point of putting pupils in the irises of the inch tall miniature, of course regularly purchasing new paintbrushes or paint colors. I also had a tv/dvd player that usually had a musical playing. Around Highschool I began expanding into art, woodworking, and cooking. With each I delved into researching them in depth, buying tools, supplies, and ingredients for each. In college (For Culinary) I took up rock climbing with friends, geo cashing, and even managed some camping. More recently I've learned about construction, cows, gardening, chickens, welding, canning, and seed saving (Did you know you could grow potatoes from seeds instead of old potatoes!?) all this to say ADHD seems to have made me flexible and adept/adaptable.


Ability to see subtle patterns and relationships between seemingly dispirit things.


My need for novelty has been a challenge when it comes to consistency, but I love the strengths that come with it. At work I've found it can translate into a drive to improve the status quo and find new ways to do things. My favorite job was for a startup nonprofit because of that - there were all the hats to wear and always something new every day. Outside of work it gets me to try new fun things! I've gotten into rock climbing and photography over the past few years. And I really enjoy getting outside in nature! Also agreed with everything else here! My experience as a kid gave me more empathy for others who are going through hard times or feel excluded. And it also led me on my current career path helping under-served communities.


I am newly diagnosed at 50 and have a good career. The things that I am most frequently complimented on are "ability to see everything at once and find patterns and connections others don't", "ability to work with a wide variety of people because I can read them and understand how they tick, ND or NT" and "ability to talk others off the ledge". I don't know if the last one is ADHD related or not but it's sure come up a lot! I also love solving puzzles and figuring out how to get information or redo a process. However, I want to do it and then pass it to someone else as I hate owning it and doing it forever week after week.

Todd Holdsworth

Artistic Entertainingly random Less judgemental Understanding Helpful / willing to serve Young at heart / lighter mood / not too serious Fun


I have a unique ability of creating more efficient and effective systems at work where there either were none or they were ineffective


I love hard and I am fiercely loyal and dedicated to those who have been with me.

Lynnea Brunner

(I agree with so much of what's already been posted.) Thinking outside the box. Frequently I don't even realize there is one. Making huge leaps of logic because my brain considers some of the 'steps' to be so obvious they don't need to happen. Maybe this is a form of pattern recognition? Creative (lots of Ingenuity). I'm a poet and went to college for a design degree. My longest stay at a job was a craft store. Diving deep into a passion project and having extensive knowledge of it (that I forget half of later, but that's another story). Always trying to break down complex systems into the simplest parts. Streamlining, if you will. I always figured if it's too complicated for me, it can be made easier for everyone. Enthusiasm!!! I'm such a kid when I get the chance. A deep level of compassion and empathy. I feel like this extends to a deep appreciation for nature. Making up words when I can't think of the 'known' word. I take people off guard so much with this and it can be hilarious. I've been told I'm very articulate. Even if it's frustrating sometimes, I love how changeable I can be. It spurs me to try new things and step out of my comfort zone. I love to rethink and question what's 'accepted'. 'Why?' might be my favorite word.

Todd Holdsworth

"I'm such a kid when I get the chance" - I think this is hard-wired into all of us haha

Christina Cl

I feel like a lot of us have more general knowledge than the rest of the population. We are deeply curious people that always want to try new things and learn about different topics, which makes us great generalists and also great at understanding people and situations.