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Hello Patreon brains! I needed a brain-break from working on the next episode so I thought I'd see if anyone was around and wanted to chat. Connecting with you guys is my favorite part of this job and I wish I had time to do it more often!


How to ADHD

Alright, I think I have to accept my brain is done for the night and get back to it in the morning. It has been lovely to chat with you all! Marielle keep us posted on the new job and let us know if you need a lil extra support :D we're rooting for you!

How to ADHD

Bye Julia, bye Daniel!!! <3<3


Hi everyone, sorry I missed you all! It's 8:30pm here in Aus and I'm enjoying the NADAL vs RAONIC tennis match while i shop for makeup and clothes online, research bullet journals, trophies for watchdogs 2 and recipes to try lol.. Hope you all had a good day, and Jess, hope your brain has recovered and ready for a new day when you wake up Xx


Yo! I got diagnosed last week after having to literally FIGHT for it over here in the UK. Your videos were a great source of support during the battle, so thanks!


I saw the time of this and figured someone in #europe would be there to chat. I'm just getting up to start my day. No Gym today so just head into work early. Its easier to just get up at the same time consistently rather than resetting my alarm. Easier if I don't have to re-adjust my internal clock every day.


Ok can some explain the picture of the person stand on the chair trying to kill themselves? Based on Edwards comment, I can only summerize it is Jess and she is standing on the chair with wheels for some reason. I have heard of getting a different perspective, but that is not the way I would do it. I had a really bad day yesterday both work and personal. Basically got home at 5pm from work only to get online and work till 11pm. I had to take the morning off, looking for the bus that hit me while I was sleeping. I think the worst part if ADHD is seeing things other people do not especially at work. Any one else run inti that issue?


61 comments! I'll have to catch up later :) Hi though!!


Hello :-D


and by *g*, just finished with my work and heading home.


Go to bed early and you miss all the fun. :)


hmm, what is "e-a-r-l-y"??

How to ADHD

Lol you guys...seriously I was fine, just bored and off my meds. Are you feeling any better?


Feely better, picked up prescription for my back and worked from home. Got online to had to fix and issue with a server that no one else could figure out. Once again thinking outside the box and figuring out a solution with in 30 minutes of being back online. You would think some one see the talent and use it. I have had people tell me I should be a level higher than I am now. You remind me of a guy I worked with who had diabetes type 1. We were driving to a store at lunch and I sensed some thing was not right with the guy. Asked him the last time her checked his blood sugar. I was right he was dipping low, and needed a shot of insulin. Hated being right that day he was driving. If anyone knows about diabetes knows that is not good. Learned a lot about it and what to look for if there are issues.


Now trying to sleep and can not all wired out from the day and back pain causing issues. I am waiting to see what my son wants to do visiting this year. I would like to come out for VidCom, but not sure. Trying to set goals for this year and having issues. Attempting a stage goal approach. Set a goal and date for the year. Adjust it every quarter if things change. Kind of like what companies were supposed to do. They would set goals at the beginning of the year with the concept sitting down and adjusting if priorities change every three months. I work in IT, priorities change on a daily basis. Really good (not) for a ADHD person, but the hyper-focus is great when there is an issue. I have a rule for troubleshooting, if you have looked at a problem and considered all the serious issues and that does not fix, then it has to be something pathetically simple that you over looked. Like not seeing the forest through the trees syndrome.


I agree with you on being consistent when getting up. Actually, I find being consistent with the ADHD helpful. Put things in the same place everytime. Last night spent 45 minutes looking for my glasses because I put them down in a place I normally do not.


New in town, so stopping by to say hi :)


@howtoadhd Your welcome! good luck with your channel. Some points really helped so thank you! :)