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Hello Brains & Hearts!

You may notice that this month, the Chronicle is a bit more sparse than usual. We made a conscious decision this December to do less so we can ensure that our team gets to rest, recuperate, and spend time with the people (and animals) they love during this holiday season. We hope that you’re allowing yourself to do the same!

ADHD brains spend a lot of time working hard! It’s important for us to make space and time to allow ourselves to slow down, enjoy the moment, and just be for awhile. So, with that, we wish all of you the happiest of holidays and we’ll see you in the new year! (psst…we have a new IN PERSON interview setup…so expect some of those soon!)




We hope you are enjoying the Holidays and are surrounded by the people (and furbabies) that you love the most!

Harley will be back to posting your regular Patreon Perk updates after the break, so stay tuned! In the meantime, don't forget to download your PDF copy of the Chronicle attached to this post! :D


This Month’s Featured Video

5 ways people try to help someone with ADHD that aren’t actually helpful (and what to do instead)

You can watch the video here! πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Click Here!

YouTube Short Releases


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