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Hello Brains & Hearts!

There’s a story I love called β€œStone Soup,” in which a stranger comes into a village, super hungry, with nothing but a pot, a spoon, and a stone. Nonetheless, they fill the pot with water, throw it on a fire, start stirring, and talk about how delicious stone soup is. β€œOh! But you know what would make it even better,” they say, β€œis some potatoes.”

β€œI’ve got potatoes!” Someone exclaims and runs to get them, adding them to the pot.

A bunch of ingredients later, there’s a hearty stew that feeds everyone in the village.

This is how I think of How to ADHD. It’s something that has benefitted us all in some way or another, but all I showed up with was a stone, a pot, and a spoon. And one by one, people added ingredients that made it better, that made it what it is today. :)

While I often get recognized and appreciated as the face of the channel, the one who spoons out the stew, as it were, I’m not the only one who deserves credit for how amazing it is.

In gratitude, I wanted to include some of the amazing people contributing to our version of stone soup and highlight some of the β€œingredients” they are most proud to add to the pot.

                       Thanks for giving our soup so much flavor!


Chris (Marauder)

I strive to remain objective despite any personal feelings on a matter; I try to consider the perspectives that others may bring to a situation. I enjoy leveraging my technical skills and experience for the benefit of the community.


Player mediation, community support

Harley L.

I'm proud that I’ve helped create an inclusive environment and being someone people feel safe coming to with concerns or feedback that may not be positive. Showing people that they don’t need to be afraid. We will hear them out.

Hyro aka Hyrulistic (Eric)

Accessibility! I help write transcripts for Shorts, and I like thinking about how different content will work best in written form. I love being a friendly source of encouragement. I started the "Hydration Reminders" thread, and have a few encouragements pinned to my clipboard, like this one:

The Legacy

I'm a consultant for the team! My special ingredient is using my experience with setting up systems and organization when it comes to creating and managing communities. With this knowledge, I've helped with developing the Code of Conduct, as well as the Code of Conduct for the …team! :D Tasty.


I think I add several ingredients to the stone soup. When it comes to Minecraft specifically, you could say I'm the water. I learn about and try to understand issues from all perspectives, and ensure that changes are distributed smoothly.


Jessica (J2)

I said to Jessica when I first started working here, "I'm a swiss army knife, so feel free to use me wherever you need me." I've been able to play that role and jump in and help in a lot of different areas. My main focus is helping the team work together and utilize their strengths to make How to ADHD the best that it can be because I care deeply about the Mission.


Technical consulting and general advice for Jessica on the overall vision of the channel and teams. I'm very much hands off but can provide good perspective that has the channel's best interests. (For those of you who haven’t met Scot β€” he was our very first patron, the one who suggested Harley as community manager, and built our first website, and he even introduced me to Dani Donovan!)


Eddie Hollenbeck
Creative playfulness - I like to bring playfulness and energy to the team and channel.


Wrangles the creative chaos that is an all-ADHD team. She ensures each video gets done & out on time at the level of quality we’ve all come to expect from HTADHD :)

Raffael Boccamazzo, PsyD (Doctor B)

Clinical psychology expertise and the fact that Jessica trusts my advice enough to keep asking me things.

Stephen Foster (JustCallMeGary)

I make things go Brrrrrrr.


Farah Mahmud

I review the research literature on each video topic and share the most up-to-date and reliable research findings.

Patrick LaCount

Disseminating the latest science on ADHD to the ADHD community.


Emrys Hetlinger

Love all the videos I've worked on. The gaslighting script was particularly challenging, but I'm so proud of how it turned out. It is a masterpiece brought about by collaborative efforts and it's wonderful to see.

Theresa Weiler

I bring heart and humor to everything I write.


Linnea Toney - Business Manager

Handles all the deals & contracts so we can focus on what we love β€” making content for this community!

Every Single Brain (& Heart) in Our Community

You bring so much to all of us. You’ve connected with us and each other, vulnerably and powerfully shared your stories and experiences, and you continue to inspire us each and every day. Thanks for bringing your special ingredients to our stone soup. πŸ€—

You may notice we left job titles out of it β€” as an ADHD friendly company, a lot of us wear several hats; we also get bored easily and may change up roles, or end up moving around to one that’s a better fit. I’ve fired myself from several roles I was terrible at so I could focus more on what I’m good at. :) We care about people being able to do work that’s aligned with their strengths and interests which often doesn’t fit neatly into a box (or at least, doesn’t stay there)!  But if you see us around, say hi β€” we’re happy to talk about what we do!



Behind the Brains

We are trialing a new co-admining team for the Minecraft server! The trial period is going to be based upon three things:

  • Are the co-admins a good fit for us, and vice-versa
  • Do they feel they want to keep co-admining the Minecraft server
  • Is there enough consistent player activity to keep the server going

These two co-admins are Owl and Marauder! If you’d like a more thorough update on the Minecraft server trial and what that entails you can read the update posted on Discord here! πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Click Here!


We love getting to see what Shorts interest you all the most! Thank you to everyone who voted on this month’s poll! We have released the winning Short, Using ADHD as an Excuse vs an Explanation, which you can watch here in case you missed the YouTube notification!: Click Here!
Want to review the poll? No problem!: Click Here!


Your behind-the-scenes content has arrived! We hope you enjoy it, and as always, let us know what you enjoyed! And let us know what you’d love to see more of! If you missed it, no worries, just follow this link to the post!: Click Here!

Brain Board

Brain Board was a blast! If you’d like to watch the recording of it, you can! Just follow this link: Click Here!


What We Accomplished This Month

  • Went to the International ADHD Conference, connected with other ADHD advocates (Dani Donavan, Jesse J. Anderson, Rene Brooks, to name a few!), and learned all the things!
  • Talked Dr. Sharon Saline into doing a video with us on ADHD & Anxiety β€” she’s INCREDIBLE
  • Recorded a conference takeaway for the ADHD Essentials podcast β€” should be out next month
  • Finished a new merch design! Will be up soon!
  • Finished the chapter on β€œHow to Feel”


This Month’s Featured Video
Dealing with ADHD and Impulsivity

You can watch the video here! πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Click Here!

Other Video Releases

YouTube Short Releases



I didn't realize that there was such a large group working on this. Thanks for letting us know a bit about everyone.

Todd Holdsworth

So good! Not just the gratitude and the soup metaphor but I love seeing the faces of the peeps you've been talking about for years