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Hello Brains & Hearts!

It is that time when we ask you what you'd like to see get posted first! 😀

Below are three options for Shorts that we can post. Select all the options you'd like to see first! You can select as many as you'd like based on your interests.

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Happy voting!

🧡 How to ADHD

Brief Note on "ADHD & Sleep": At present, I cannot elaborate further. Our Creative Director is on vacation and I, being the silly ADHD bear that I am, forgot to ask for further clarity. I'm asking Jess, but I may not get a swift answer with the book deadline. If I can manage to get a clarification though I'll be sure to update here and ensure it sends a notification for the update!


How to ADHD

Thank you to those who pointed out that they couldn't select multiple! 😊


I like all of these


As someone who also has DSPS, I found it interesting to learn that ADHD is often comorbid with circadian rhythm disorders.


They all look great!


Excuse vs explanation. And how to leverage that difference externally as well as internally. 1. Explaining to others that you're not intending to write off every struggle as "I can't do it because ADHD" 2. Telling yourself.... in a way you can believe.... that it's doable in another way. Or... something. Working *with* explanations instead of giving up because of excuses. I have huge struggles every month (hormonal related) and it's really hard for me to work out the difference between "I can't find spoons to be Productive today, and I'm snapping at everyone, because PMS is making it so hard, life sucks, too bad" and like, "PMS is an explanation...." and from there, I honestly don't know how to end the sentence.


I totally feel that about the monthly hormonal struggles. It's definitely helpful to acknowledge "this is PMS/PMDD" and let myself rest a little extra or whatever I need, but it is hard and frustrating. (I will say "luteal phase dosing" of a low dose of Zoloft has been suuuper helpful, but obviously not telling anyone to follow a specific course of treatment.)


And anyway "I can't find spoons to be productive today, and I'm snapping at everyone, because PMS is making it so hard" seems like a reasonable explanation to me!


Using ADHD as excuse vs explanation - I think beyond how we use it, sometimes we can also be accused of using it as an excuse when really we are seeking a reasonable accommodation. Using as an explanation instead of an excuse does not mean that only WE have to change to adapt to an ableist, neurotypical world. Instead “I WANT to succeed at this, I need some help making it work.”


This is exactly how I frame it for my Heart husband. “This is what I’m having trouble with, here is what I’m feeling, can you help me come up with solutions?”


Related to "not all thoughts are true", I have a mantra for myself: "all emotions are valid; they are not all accurate" that i think is basically the flip side of the same coin.


Using ADHD as an explanation always feels off to me. If the line between "I didn't do the thing because X" and "I couldn't do the thing because [ADHD symptom]" is already blurry to ME at times. How can I expect someone else to not see it as an excuse? Especially when I don't know how people could help me with it. (Long) story time: Last week I had to deliver a document for a customer and I failed to deliver on time because I struggle to set deadlines for colleagues. This caused that I only had five minutes to make the data delivered to me presentable. It was well received by the costumer (phew). However, The fact that I didn't communicate a deadline to a colleague (in the same office) was presented as completely my failure. It was, but I ended being told I didn't talk enough to my colleagues about deadlines instead of trying how to avoid communication issues in the future. I wanted to communicate the deadline my coworker, I really did. But every time I thought of it, I couldn't see him face-to-face which I want to do if we're talking deadlines (memory issues, timing and something personal). His agenda was already full so I couldn't see any moment to call him in a time that was convenient for him (people pleasing). This made me wait too long (time management). The symptoms was not communicating, The reasons were multitude.


I don't understand how they can be valid if they're not accurate. I don't mean to "dis" your mantra. But that just doesn't make sense to my left-brained ADHD mind.


I’m going to assume you’re speaking to my comment. ;) It’s basically the same thing as not all thoughts are true, it’s just tied to the thoughts behind feelings, specifically. I find that a lot of people (including myself) ask “do I get to feel this way about this thing?” And the answer is yes. You always get to feel how you feel about things. You can’t actually control how you feel about things. But you also should look at why you feel that way and assess the accuracy of whatever led to that feeling, because we can change how we think about things (it’s hard and it takes a lot of practice but it’s possible). It’s a way to steer the conversation in a better direction. A good example of an inaccurate feeling is: If I tweet a celebrity and they don’t reply, I get to be sad. That is a valid feeling to have. But I also need to look at that sadness and assess whether the expectation that led to it was reasonable (in this case, for me, not usually). So the feeling is valid, I get to have that feeling. But now that I know the expectations around it were unreasonable, I’m not going to act on it or blame the celebrity.