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You can also look at our three-part series on studying for exams which also includes a brief basic breakdown on how memory encoding works! 






I thought this was going to be an explainer on why ADHDers sometimes do not procrastinate. For example, I often do something immediately because I know I will forget to do it later. Sometimes, I don't evaluate whether that thing I do immediately will affect other things going on that might be important. Writing this comment is a perfect example of "Do it now or it won't get done. Wait....was it really more important than going to run my errands." #Facepalm I will now procrastinate (mindfully) while I consider whether or not I am too self-conscious to post this comment.


I got another idea for you. It just happened to me with a family member who has undiagnosed ADHD. I rarely do this as well. Say you are in a conversation and all of sudden, you change the topic. But then the person you are talking to is confused as to the sudden change of topic.

How to ADHD

I definitely am interested so far! Could you elaborate further as to what the content could be about? Is it bringing awareness to this phenomena or is are you looking for advice on how to cope with it? Or advice for others to cope with it? I want to make sure when I note it down I note it down the way you're envisioning it! 😊

How to ADHD

Omg I do the same thing and honestly, that sounds like a great topic to cover on the channel eventually! 👀 Thanks for the impromptu suggestion! Glad you posted it. 😊


I was thinking in terms of why we do instantly switch topics of conversation, how to be aware that you are doing that without the other person's knowledge, and how to fix it.

How to ADHD

Thank you! That'd definitely be an interesting topic to look into more in-depth! I'll get it added to our list of potential topic ideas! :D