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Hello Brains & Hearts!

Happy ADHD Awareness Month! Funny how half of us forget October even IS ADHD Awareness Month…maybe we need an Awareness of ADHD Awareness Month? I nominate September.

Thankfully, TED didn’t forget – they even shared my TED talk, check it out! 👉👉 Click Here!

If you did anything special for ADHD Awareness Month yourself, drop it in a comment, we’d love to hear it :)

Oh yeah, and Happy Halloween as well!



(by Harley, your beary awesome community manager)

Behind The Brains

Some changes are coming!

We are still nailing down some of the particulars and details, but once we’ve done that we’ll post an update going over what we’re planning to update. 😀


SuperPoll Results

October’s SuperPoll results are in! And thank you to everyone who voted! Many of you wanted to know about ADHD Brains That Start Fight Because We’re Bored, and you can now view it on Patreon and on Youtube!  😊🩳

Content Suggestions

Suggestions have been quiet, and though we do have many ideas, we want to make sure we create some content based off of what you, our members, are looking for!

Wanted to suggest content but wasn’t sure how?

No worries! You can send suggestions via

  • A Patreon DM,
  • A Patreon Community Post,
  • A comment on this post, and
  • The #super-content-ideas on our Discord.

Haven’t suggested an idea because you think someone’s suggested it already?
You can still add your suggestion! We thrive off of repeated suggestions, as it lets us know what you all -- our community -- would like to see covered the most. 😊


Don’t miss out on this months’ behind the scenes clips! If you haven’t seen the post yet, no worries, we got you! You can check out the playlist for this month here 👉👉 Click Me!

Brain Board

Missed the Brain Board this month? It was a special one!

Jessica gave her latest keynote speech that she’s been giving to companies, universities, etc. It’s a speech on neurodiversity, what she’s learned doing this channel, and her hopes for the future! If you missed it, don’t worry, you can still watch the replay posted on Patreon!

Brain Advocate

We’ve no updates for you aside from the above updates, but we wanted to say hello! 👋 You are all braintastic! 😄


Upcoming Events

I am SO excited about this one – it’s happening in just a few weeks!

2022 CHADD’s Annual International Conference on ADHD | November 17 - 19

Downtown Hyatt Regency Dallas

300 Reunion Boulevard, Dallas, Texas, USA
Tel: 214-651-1234

You can attend in person OR online! I’ll be there in person this year. This is the one event I NEVER miss, because it is an EXPERIENCE. It’s an incredibly affirming and educational event. You can meet other ADHDers, parents of ADHD kiddos, ADHD coaches, mental health professionals that specialize in ADHD, ADHD researchers, influencers/advocates… it’s the one place where we all connect.

If you’re interested in tickets, first be sure to check your budget! If all’s good there, you can use this link to receive 15% off 👉👉 Buy Tickets Here! Or use our discount code at checkout: HowtoADHDADHDCon2022

(Yes… Yes it is How to ADHD ADHD Con 2022 but without spaces… double ADHD all across the code, yeeeeaaaah yeeeaaaaah, soooo cool!)

That’s it for now – I’m being careful about what else I commit to, because, you know – book. 📖


What We Accomplished This Month

How to Book

We got the official release date for How to ADHD the Book – January 2024! 6 chapters are written so far, 7 chapters (and an introduction) to go…I’m trying not to think too hard about how that math works out…technically my deadline is January 31st but I will likely be crunching hard on it from Christmas until it’s done in like… March.

How to ADHD Friendly Company

We’re almost finished with an ADHD Friendly company handbook! We laughed heartily at a lot of neurotypical handbook policies such as “don’t sleep during the workday” just before yeeting them. We’re also finalizing our official company values and will be sharing those next month :)


  • I gave a talk at Stanford! THAT was #goals

  • Learned there’s a new research study on Sleep & Autism – they got $10 million to research this over the next 5 years, should be amazing!! You can read it here! 👉👉 NIH awards Stanford Medicine teams $10 million for research on sleep and autism

  • I met with Scott Steindorff’s team — Executive Producer of HBO’s Emmy-Nominated Station Eleven and Golden Globe Winner for Empire Falls – about possibly being interviewed for a documentary on ADHD. They loved my perspective, and are waiting to see if they can make it out to Seattle to film me!
  • I consulted on https://www.mentra.me/ – I spent hours this month meeting with their team, trying out their site, giving input & will likely continue to support the work they’re doing moving forward as time allows, given I’m still working on the channel & the book. They’re a startup and can’t pay me, but that’s what YOUR support allows me to do – work on projects simply because of the impact without worrying how I’m gonna feed myself (or the team!) that month :)
  • Stephen is juuuust about finished with a cool new merch design…stay tuned!


This Month’s Featured Video
What to do If You Can't Get Your ADHD Meds?

You can watch the video here! 👉👉 Click Here!

Other Video Releases

YouTube Short Releases



How to regain your composer when you are offended and/or furiously frustrated in a meeting of co-workers?


I love how open and helpful this company is to us, meer mortals 😁

How to ADHD

Promise we're meer mortals too 😄🧡 Meer mortals trying to pass on whatever we can to fellow meer mortals!

How to ADHD

Ohhhh! This is a great suggestion thank you! I'll get it added to our list of potential content! 😊


tl;dr Maybe something on burnout due to stress? Or stress overload & ADHD? ********** I thought I had burnout but according to the definition and Jessica's video, I don't because I don't work. However, I have ADHD, major depressive disorder, GAD, and a host of physical disabilities that have left me bedbound. My motto has always been, "Never give up. Never surrender." And I've recently realized that even though I was diagnosed a couple years ago (at 55 y.o.), that I've continued to "fix" myself to act "normal"/neurotypical. The last couple of months have been very difficult. I've lost my PCA, my husband had to start on antidepressants due to caretaker burnout, financial worries, new pain bringing about a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease, and other personal-, therapeutic-, & medical related- issues. And, then, of course, because of all that stress my ADHD symptoms went through the roof. Bills haven't been paid, forms haven't been filled out, messages haven't been responded to, etc. I've dealt with depression and hospitalizations because of it all my adult life. Even in the very worst of it (you know what I mean), I haven't had the level of apathy that I have now. I used to read 250 to 300 books a year. I read huge amounts as soon as I learned to read. It was my superpower for 45 years. Now? I haven't had the slightest interest. And it feels like a big part of me is dead inside because it's been my identity. That's just one thing. I'm so exhausted... mentally and emotionally. But I feel like I've hardly done anything. Is it just the stress of all the hard things happening?

How to ADHD

That's a great idea! Though our burnout video goes over the clinical version of burnout, many community members can relate burnout to other aspects of their lives that aren't work-related. But I loooove the idea of tackling burnout as it can apply to other areas! Or even focusing solely on stress as it relates to ADHD! Definitely going to get these added to our list of content ideas <3 Thank you so much for sharing!