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Link: https://youtube.com/shorts/_bCZPH6UuYg

As voted on by our wonderful SUPERbrains and higher tiers, we present to you... ADHD Brains That Start Fights Because We're Bored! 

Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll! Hope you enjoy the video! 

And thank you for your patience as I know I was a bit delayed in getting this posted to Patreon. 🧡





This was me pretty frequently in grad school. Asking professors to explain their reasoning, challenging them when things didn't make sense. It was the only way I could get through some classes, even though it made a few of them dislike me. At least my classmates found it amusing.


Have you done a show about how we get too excited about something, and yet those neurotypical brains tell you not to get excited. But, it's okay for them to get too excited, but not us ADHDers. Plus, how does one get excited without overdoing it for the neurotypical brain?


I feel like the concept of "picking a fight" is the part I have trouble with. I'm never looking for an argument, I'm just trying to respectfully disagree, or point out a perspective I think has been neglected, or share how I feel. I absolutely do these things less when I'm not bored, but it's hard to judge whether that's better or worse.


I don't know if I'd call it "picking a fight because I'm bored," but I've definitely waited to bring up big, emotional issues in relationships until it's boiled over at INCREDIBLY inappropriate times. Like after a parent's death levels of inappropriate. I feel like that's less about me being bored and more about being unable to contain the feelings after years of conflict avoidance (and obviously terrible impulse control).