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Hello brains! This has been a really busy, really exciting month so far -- just wanted to update you on a few things going on behind the scenes. Scot and Allison are working on designing a website (shh don't tell!) and we're all REALLY excited about it. I'll be posting the videos as well as lots of other resources there, and we'll have a chat forum too! I was able to go to my very first ADHD conference (thanks CHADD for making it within driving distance!) -- I learned SO MUCH I can't wait to share :D I just got back from that today, I'm off to work now and then tonight I'm headed to the YouTube training camp for a week!!! If you hadn't heard, that's something the channel won a few weeks ago through YouTube's NextUp competition. We're feeling incredibly lucky right now and also slightly confused -- I've never won anything in my life *or* been what you might call "successful" so...this is all very new to me. Thank you all so much for supporting this channel, I love doing it so much and you are absolutely making it possible and helping so many people in the process, and soon to be even more. Along with the technical training, we're going to be working with a mentor for the channel to help it grow even faster, so I'm excited and also very nervous about everything to come -- I'm going to do my best to stay on top of everything but please feel free to poke at me (more than once if necessary!) if you're wondering what's going on or need anything at all. *whew* that was a lot -- Wait one more thing! This week's episode on "overwhelm" (ah, the irony) is shot but still waiting to be edited -- I have no idea how much free time I'll have at the NextUp camp but I'll get that finished and posted as soon as humanly possible. In the meantime, would anyone be interested in vlogs of what's happening at the NextUp training camp?



Glad to see it was productive and a good learning experience. You can handle it, just one thing at a time.


Yes please, vlogs would be an intresting thing :-)


Vlogs would be nice but if you do feel "overwhelmed" by doing so, just small things like Snapchat or Instagram Stories would do too.