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Happy July, Brains & Hearts!

This summer has been incredibly eventful here at the channel! Between moving into a new studio, hiring a new video editor, training new mods, and Jessica diligently plugging away writing her new book, we’ve certainly been busy! It’s hard to believe that half of the year has passed, and we’re already publishing our third edition of the Brain Chronicle! Time is definitely whizzing by!




The PDF Version has finally been born and is attached to this post! Hope you enjoy it!

Behind the Brains
If you didn’t yet notice, we have new moderators for the Minecraft server! Please give us a hand in welcoming Owl, Corphix, and DenverCoder to the Minecraft Team! We’re thrilled to have them on our Minecraft team. If you have questions or need something handled in the game that is relatively easy to handle (such as moving plots), you can ask them! 😊

Hello Superbrains! We want to apologize for missing this perk. Our original pipeline made it challenging to work into our system, but we have some great news! We’ve recreated the pipeline, and we plan to have a vote for you in August! We appreciate all the patience with this as we’ve worked to isolate the issue and fix it. 🧡

Your Behind the Scenes content will be posted Sunday afternoon, so be on the look out for that! We did hear a report of Patreon not sending a notification when we posted last months. If you notice the Behind the Scenes content, and you notice you didn’t receive a notification about it, please send us a DM here!

Brain Board
Saturday, July 30 at 2PM Pacific | 5PM Eastern | 11PM Central European
(For Australians: Sunday, July 31 at 7AM AEST)
Brain Board is tomorrow, be sure to tune in if you’re available! When the livestream goes live a link will be posted here to Patreon and to our Discord.


What We Accomplished This Month

We’ve Hired A New Editor!
We are thrilled to announce that we’ve hired a new editor! Currently, we’re helping them get settled into the job and into the team, and we’re excited to learn what cool things they’ve brought with them!

Studio Update!
The new studio is really coming together! We can’t thank you enough for your support these last few years. Without you, none of this would be possible. Because of you, our team gets to continue working together to make the world a more friendly place for Brains everywhere.

(Pictured from top left to bottom right: Chloe getting settled into the new office on a comfy beanbag chair, How To ADHD’s Golden YouTube Play Button awarded for reaching 1 Million Subscribers, an overview of the main room where we record episodes with Jessica’s work office depicted in the background, Jessica taking a selfie while on Zoom so you can see what the office background looks like on video, a supply cabinet with the rainbow neurodiversity symbol hanging above it on the wall, Guitar and Ukulele hanging on the blue wall, a final office overview shot with Chloe relaxing in the middle of the floor.)

Book Update!
WRITING A BOOK IS HARD. Writing a book when you have ADHD and 1,782,993 tasks to do in a day is even harder! But Jessica continues to charge on! She’s working on finalizing the first few chapters of the book by Labor Day, which she’ll then send off to the UK publishers so they can work on generating interest! We’re all so excited! Here below is a sneak peek of a quick excerpt from Chapter 4! It’s the first tip in the Toolbox to help with executive functioning!

Community Email Auto Response
We receive quite a few emails and make sure to read and appreciate every single one. If we could respond to each of them personally, we would, but unfortunately, that's not a realistic possibility for us. If we did, we’d never have the time to put out content, write books, see our families, or…sleep. However, we do really care about our community. We want all of you to get the help you need, so two of our brains on the team, J2, and Harley, worked hard to build a warm, welcoming, and wonderful auto-response email that is now live! If you wrote to us before we put this in place and are still waiting for answers, take a peek at it here below! Hopefully, this will help point you in the right direction!

Auto Response Email (Full of Helpful Links!)


This Month’s Featured Video!
Sitting Down With ADHD TikTok Advocates
(ft. Elyse Myers, Catieosaurus, Dani Donovan)

Watch our featured video! 👉 https://youtu.be/Qt5l8CL-3tA

Other Video Releases

YouTube Shorts Releases



How do we find you on Minecraft. I'm intrigued. I'm excited to see everything that's happening with you guys!

How to ADHD

If you're like to join us on Minecraft, you can refer to the instructions in our FAQ! You'll find them on questions #7 & #8. 😊 If you need further assistance you can post in our #ask-a-mod channel of Discord for further setup help. :) - Harley, Community Manager