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Link: https://youtube.com/shorts/y92OgE6yR2E


How to ACTUALLY be ontime when you have ADHD #shorts #adhd

-- Transcription -- COMING SOON!



This is probably one of the most frustrating and shame inducing effects of ADHD for me. I am know as the one who is always late to work, gatherings, with friends, with family.. anything. I have missed doctor appointments. I have missed flights and exams and got in car accidents because of it. I have always been late for as long as I remember. As a kid, I made it to 6th grade before finding out that at my school there is actually a morning assembly - I was always barely making it to class. I am 39 and still struggle. I am often teased about it by bosses, colleagues, friends, family, parents and almost everyone and anyone. I am known as the one who is never on time.. always late and feel ashamed. I always try to leaver earlier and I tell myself that I would but then I find myself wanting to finish that last thing before getting started on getting ready and of course it doesn't take too minutes to get ready. I hate being early and I don't know why and I always overestimate my ability to make it there just on time. That was a lot - clearly it is a sore point for me. I'll give this strategy a try.


Jessica - Thank you for doing a video on this!! And Ghalia your comment really resonates with me. I am constantly late despite working very hard to be on time. It has resulted in me losing friends, missing appointments, trains, and so much stress!! Also, in my experience people who are very good at being on time are often offended or feel disrespected. And this is the last thing I would want anyone to feel. Going to try this strategy!


I mostly love this, except in my case I have to tell myself an imaginary earlier deadline as well. Like if I need to be somewhere at 8:20, my window of time needs to be 8:10-8:15 or I'm hosed. My takeaway from this video though is I really ought to widen that window to at least 15min!


I was confused at first by the topic, since I had read "ontime" (which is missing a space) as "online" and I was all excited because I thought it was going to be about tips to avoid falling into the rabbit hole of "working" but actually reading articles, posting on Facebook, etc., and trying to "finish up" and go back to actually working on something. Regarding being on time, I like to arrive at least 15 minutes early as well too, and plan to leave at X time. I like to build in a window for unexpected things, and even expected things: I keep forgetting the summerlong construction project that turns our four-lane highway into two lanes. :)