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Hello Brains & Hearts!

VidCon wrapped up a little over a week ago and they are sending out surveys to get feedback on the event, as one days. These surveys are also important to us as they are one way to help get How to ADHD get invited back. If you went to VidCon we'd love to ask if you can fill out the survey. 

We won't tell you what to say as that is not our place, but we can provide the link! If you didn't go, please refrain from filling this out. If you did go and decide to fill this out, we just ask that you're honest -- which we expect from y'all cause y'all are awesome but we want to state it clearly just to be sure. Though we want to be invited back, we want to come by that invitation honestly. 😊


Thank you!

🧡 The How to ADHD Team


How to ADHD

(Sorry the link messes up! I'm not entirely sure how to fix that on Patreon!!)

How to ADHD

Oh! That's smart! Dunno why it didn't cross my mind. 😂 https://clicks.vidcon.com/f/a/WNmG1-4hExZNq9sJkpF_QA~~/AAQRxQA~/RgRkoZ8_P0RpaHR0cHM6Ly9ucmcuZGVjaXBoZXJpbmMuY29tL3N1cnZleS9zZWxmc2VydmUvNTNiL3VzMzcyMjIwMTMyNz9pZHR5cGU9MCZjb3VudHJ5PXVzJmxhbmd1YWdlPWVuZ2xpc2gmbGlzdD0xVwNzcGNCCmKzPxq_YjpSaGNSGHBhbGVzdHJpbmFAaG93dG9hZGhkLmNvbVgEAAAAFg~~

How to ADHD

Well, it doesn't link itself but it does make it easier to copy/paste, I think!!