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Those of us with ADHD (and especially Anxiety!) frequently have to deal with the unfortunate reality that are thought spirals. Today let's explore some community tips on how to cope with our brain's run away desire for rumination.


How do you all handle rumination? 


Handling Rumination/Thought Spirals: Tips on How to Cope With Self-Destructive Thoughts

Those of us with ADHD (and especially Anxiety!) frequently have to deal with the unfortunate reality that are thought spirals. Today let's explore some community tips on how to cope with our brain's run away desire for rumination. OCD Stories: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0dkcDzBZbBf3NZXExJEu7J?si=0f2776a9182f4590 Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/howtoadhd Check out our website: http://howtoadhd.com Follow us on all the things: Twitter: http://twitter.com/howtoadhd TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtoadhd Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtoadhd/ Facebook: http://facebook.com/howtoadhd Our Merch Shop: http://shop.howtoadhd.com



I struggled with this so much for years, and I did all the self help strategies and meditations and it helped a TEENY TINY bit. But then I would be stressed about the fact that I was stressed! Like I knew it was affecting my health so I was frantically trying everything. Honestly it didn't get better until I went on a low dose mood stablizer. Now I feel like the strategies I learned before I actually am able to implament and get them to work. I still feel anxious at times, but I don't get stuck on the feeling for weeks and weeks on end. Journaling used to make me ruminate more, but now with the right medication I find that it actually does get the feelings out and help me process and move on from them. Finding a good care providor that was pateint enough and well read enough to try different things was key.


I find if my mind is going I have to find something else to distract me like a podcast or music depending on my mood I am in.


This was even worse when I was a kid. As soon as I turned out the light my mind would rattle off everything embarrassing I had ever done. Now I only ruminate on big disasters that give me anxiety when I think about them. It felt irrational and I berated myself for still having it, a year after the event. I tried to push the thoughts away. I saw a therapist for a few weeks who taught me how to feel the feeling and try to describe it. This stopped my anxiousness about the thoughts coming. Sometimes the thought of having the anxiety was worse than the actual worry, like Regan above. I think ruminating is common now and I wrote tips for young people https://electriclearn.wordpress.com/2021/04/25/7-ways-to-stop-worrying/


This is helpful today as I find myself ruminating on fears of losing my 2nd grader to the next school shooting. Thank you.

How to ADHD

I can't imagine. There are also some links in the description relating to Emotional First Aid, but I'll link them here in case they are something you're interested in reading. 🧡 As I cannot imagine the emotional stress and wounds gained while being a teacher who has to be concerned about such things happening to their kiddos. I hope they are able to help... and I'm so sorry you have to battle such realities. Sending big hugs if you like hugs, if not please take this kitten gif.... or both if you'd like! EMOTIONAL FIRST AID ARTICLES: https://ideas.ted.com/7-ways-to-practice-emotional-first-aid/ https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/behavioral-health-partners/bhp-blog/september-2018/emotional-first-aid.aspx KITTEN: https://c.tenor.com/bK1qpWGyQKkAAAAd/kitty.gif - Harley


Lol (their posts!)


books! (This social media thing isn't my comfort zone, especially on iPhone.) Reach out and we can get that book finished. I will be in touch.