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We’re excited that you’re here! Please take your time in looking around and let us know if you have any questions. If you do have any questions, check below to see if it is something we’ve answered in our Patreon FAQ. If you don’t see your question, or an answer below isn’t clear, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Click here if you'd like to submit a feedback form (includes complaints/concerns, suggestions, bug/glitch/typo reports, and compliments)!



  • How do I get into Discord once I’ve signed up?


    » Go to our patreon homepage (patreon.com/howtoadhd)

    » Click the "Membership" tab that's towards the top

    » Scroll until you see a section that says "Discord Community"

    » Click "Connect to Discord"

    If this still doesn't work...

    » Select "Settings" in the navigation field to the left

    » Select the "More" dropdown (next to "Active Memberships")

    » Click "Connected Apps"

    » Find Discord, then click "Disconnect"

    » Give it a moment, it should then change to "Connect", click it!

    If this doesn’t work then please reach out via DM so we can work to get you in!


  • I’m in Discord! But I only see a couple of channels… where is everything else?

    Welcome to our Discord! We do have some reading that we ask each member to do so that they know what to expect from our server, and what we expect from them. So in order to gain access to the rest of our Discord you’ll want to…

    » Go to #start-here-about-us and read

    » Follow the instructions at the bottom of #start-here-about-us in order to unlock our #code-of-conduct

    » Once unlocked, go to #code-of-conduct and read

    » Follow the instructions at the bottom of #code-of-conduct in order to unlock #roles

    » Once unlock, go to #roles and select which chats you want to be a part of!

    If you find that you need help with any of this you can either DM us here on Patreon or you can go to our #ask-a-mod channel on our Discord!


  • How do I make content suggestions?

    There are three ways -- any way is correct, it just comes down to what you feel most comfortable with (and have access to)! The options are:

    » Post the suggestion on our Discord, in the #super-content-ideas channel;

    » Send the suggestion to us via DM here on Patreon;

    » Or, post the suggestion in our “Community” tab here on Patreon!


  • Can I have Jessica talk to my school/work/ADHD group?

    If you’d like to have Jessica come talk to your school, work, ADHD group, etc. you’ll want to reach out to Jessica’s Business Manager, Linnea Toney. You can reach Linnea at Linnea@underscoretalent.com.


  • I’m a Legacy Tip Jar-ee/Brain Board-ee. If I switch tiers or cancel, can I return to this tier at the legacy rate?

    Unfortunately, no. Once you have switched out of a Legacy tier or cancelled, you cannot return to the cheaper rate.


  • Do I have to join Discord in order to play Minecraft?

    Yes. It’s how we have things set up on our end. That being said you don’t have to take part in the rest of the Discord if you do not want to!


  • I’m on Discord and have the Minecraft perk! How do I get into Minecraft?

    Make sure you’ve verified yourself on our Discord appropriately; if you haven’t and need help please refer to question #2! If you have, then you’ll do the following:

    » Go to our Discord’s #role channel

    » Go to the section named “1. Chatroom Opt-in Roles”

    » Go to the bottom of the section

    » Click the pickaxe emoji reaction, and voila! Our Minecraft section should be visible!

    If this doesn’t work or you need further assistance, please reach out to us by DMing us here on Patreon or asking for help in our Discord’s #ask-a-mod channel!


  • When are Brain Boards?

    Unless otherwise stated, Brain Boards occur on the last Saturday of the month at 2 PM Pacific / 5 PM Eastern / 11 PM Central European.

    For Australians, this translates as Sunday at 7 AM AEST.


  • How does Brain Board work?

    On a Brain Board day, a private link will get posted here and in our Brain Board Discord channel.

    All you have to do is click the link! From there you will be able to see Jess’s live stream and take part in the live stream chat!


  • I joined as a Brain Advocate halfway through the month... why don't I see my name in the credits?

    We have payments set to go out at the start of the month. We do NOT bill upfront. This means if you join mid-way through the month, you won't actually get charged until the start of the following month. Due to this, we don't pull names for the credits until payments are processed on Patreon (usually completes around the 4th) for the month. So for example, if you joined in mid-January, your name will appear after your payment gets processed at the start of February! We hope this clears up any confusion. 🧡


  • There are a lot of posts... How can I easily search older posts for content I might be interested in?

    Patreon has a couple different ways to search through posts!

    First, there are your basic search filters (Media Type, Tier, and Month), and a basic search bar at the top of our homepage.

    Then you can search by tags that we have used to tag individual posts. Beneath the filters and search bar you'll see some thumbnails that say "dailyvlog", "Shorts", "Episodes", etc.

    To the right of these thumbnails there is a dropdown called "More". Click "More" and you'll be able to filter through the tags that we've used on individual posts including month-year tags [ie: July 2022] starting as of July 2022.

    If there is a tag you think would be helpful, feel free to request it by DMing us!


Don't see your question here?

Feel free to send us a DM here on Patreon!


BJ Voorhees

Question.. I'm turning 41 tomorrow. Not going anything really because I have training at work. Is there anyway I could get a bday shot out from you? Call? If no all good. Thought I'd ask

How to ADHD

At this time we are not doing personal shoutouts. We do wish you a happy birthday, though! And we hope the training wasn't too boring! :) And hey, it never hurts to ask! 😊 We're glad you reached out.

Clint Stanger (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-31 00:01:30 Thank you for all you do, especially for helping neuro-typical folks understand that ADHDers can feel ashamed of themselves for not following the same program in life... by no fault of their own. At >40, I'm learning to accept who I am, and, though it hasn't been easy, you're making it easier :D Thanks. I look forward to learning more!
2023-03-26 03:54:45 Thank you for all you do, especially for helping neuro-typical folks understand that ADHDers can feel ashamed of themselves for not following the same program in life... by no fault of their own. At >40, I'm learning to accept who I am, and, though it hasn't been easy, you're making it easier :D Thanks. I look forward to learning more!

Thank you for all you do, especially for helping neuro-typical folks understand that ADHDers can feel ashamed of themselves for not following the same program in life... by no fault of their own. At >40, I'm learning to accept who I am, and, though it hasn't been easy, you're making it easier :D Thanks. I look forward to learning more!

How to ADHD

You're welcome! And thank you so much for taking the time to comment. These are like fuel to our passionate fire and it really helps keep us energised and inspired to keep going! 🧡 Self-acceptance can be a tough battle, and we're honoured to be part of that journey!

Shmuel Tarlow

I use sudoku level extreme as a palette cleanser. But each to their own (level).


Hey! I am hoping to watch the behind the scenes video content I read about when selecting my tier. Is that all compiled somewhere? This is my first time using Patreon!

How to ADHD

At the moment, it is not compiled, but you should be able to use the native search feature on our page here on Patreon using the search keywords of "behind the scenes" and it should populate with what we have so far!

Martine Cohen

Hello, I'm brand new here and I don't understand how to connect to the community on Discord. Please help! Thanks

How to ADHD

Hi! If the answer under "How do I get into Discord once I’ve signed up?" in the above FAQ does not answer your question then please send me a DM with what part of the process you are not understanding and I'll see what I can do to help. :)

Joanna Phillips

Do you have a page where we can see and link to your current sponsors?

How to ADHD

Not at the moment, but that's a wonderful idea! I'll pass that on to the team! 😊