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I'm feeling the way I usually feel before a panic attack and thought I'd share. I didn't talk about how it physically feels but for me it's kind of like my skin is crawling and it's hard to breathe. 

Here's an article on emotional reasoning: https://www.verywellmind.com/emotional-reasoning-and-panic-disorder-2584179


Emotional Reasoning and Anxiety

I'm feeling the way I usually feel before a panic attack and thought I'd share. I didn't talk about how it physically feels but for me it's kind of like my skin is crawling and it's hard to breathe. Here's an article on emotional reasoning: https://www.verywellmind.com/emotional-reasoning-and-panic-disorder-2584179



Thanks for sharing the video, Jessica !!! It is ok, I understand She has ADHD & ASD, it is hard, I have dyspraxia, ADHD, aspergers traits.


Thanks for the video Jessica. I am a Brain, married to a Brain and guess what...parent to a Brain! I thought I knew about ADHD, but the past 2 years I’ve learned with. my son, have proven me wrong. I have learned a lot with your videos, and this one is no exception. Again, thank you. Keep going, you rock!


I randomly found your YouTube video today about the wall of awful... love that name! I immediately signed up to your Patreon. I'm.also a Patreon content creator @thisissuze. I resonated with the video so much even though I've not technically been diagnosed as ADHD. The emotional blocks are sometimes huge and make me feel overwhelmed. As for your raw unpolished vlogs I love them even more! They make me feel like there is someone out there going through the same.


I'm new here as of a few minutes ago. I have the feeling you described, too. I hope posting the video helped you. I didn't realize anyone else felt that way. Thank you for being brave enough to post the video because it helped at least one other person (me) not feel so isolated.


thank you so much for these ❤❤❤

Jabberwocky (Jan H. H.)

Thanks a lot! I'm going through a hard time and I know everyone always sees me like most people see you on YouTube. I'm the one that shines and has it all together. Thanks for sharing that vulnerable moment, it makes it easier for me to understand and relax a bit about what's to come, in particular right now I feel a bit better.


Thank you for being to honest and open. I can very much relate to the feelings you're describing and I feel so week when I have them, and then there are always people who tell me that I'm overreacting, and I kind of agree, but that doens't help at all. You just did! Thank you!


This comes very late because I just joined but I want it to be said: you have great achievements under your belt already. They cannot be taken away from you. Failure to continue is actually not a failure at all. It is law of nature that will hit each and every one of us, no matter how strong and resilient. Should you decide to pack up and leave, you will still be remebered for your genuine and endearing personality, the relief and companionship you gave to us with the traits and understanding of the complications to others.


This was helpful to me, thank you!


I genuinely appreciate you and grateful for every moment you make me feel seen. I hope that you are doing the best for what ever for you is best. Much love, from someone who may or may not ADHD, BiPolar, Depression, super hero, may be struggling human and connection out there.


I tell myself that feelings are real, but feelings aren’t facts.


Wow, I have that issue all the time. I can be in a moment, nothing changes outside but internally it just went bad. I feel angry or upset in situations that just don't support it. I could never even guess what was happening and just got carried away with it. Now I am starting to question any changes to my feelings to ensure they match reality. Again, you have captured what I feel and think without even having met. Thank you.


I don't know if this comment will be on the mark for you or anyone else who read it. Just wanted to share in case it helps you or someone else. Reading your comment reminded me of how I could find myself stressed, and irritable, and at times, verging on a panic attack seemingly out of nowhere. For me, there was almost always a starting point that I simply hadn't picked up on / realized until I was on the verge of a panic attack. One stray thought would lead to another, resulting in a domino effect ending with extreme stress or a panic attack. With time I was able to trace the thoughts back further and further and begin recognizing the earlier dominos so I could address it before it became overwhelming. I've now got things to the point where I'm not blindsided as often, and better able to manage the stress of the thoughts better and sooner, before it picks up momentum and weight. I hope everyone is doing well and having a good brain day.