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I'm shooting a collab video with Jack Conte, the CEO of Patreon, to show a day in the life of a creator during the COVID pandemic. This is one of the clips I shot. I think it might help people understand the invisible struggles of ADHD.


Life in a Day

I'm shooting a collab video with Jack Conte, the CEO of Patreon, to show a day in the life of a creator during the COVID pandemic. This is one of the clips I shot.



One day at a time. And by the way, you're a hero. Sending love and encouragment. Thanks for all you do!


I just wanted to say thank you.. for sharing. It helps me remember that I am not alone and other people struggle the same way I do. You have been such an inspiration since I found your TED talk and then your channel. Thank you for sharing both your advice and your struggles.


Jessica, you don't know me, but I feel like I know you. Thank you for being vulnerable with us. I can tell you that you are functioning the way you 'need' to function. When the day is hard, you're standing up and saying 'today is hard'. That's not only okay, that's normal. You can be neuro-typical, you can be neuro-divergent, and you're going to have hard days, and hard moments. You're acknowledging that hard moment and letting it happen. That's how you 'need' to function, and that's okay. You introduced me to Bullet Journal. In these times, I'm learning to use it. I just finished reading "The Bullet Journal Method" out of pure determination to do this. At the end, it talks about using checklists. I wrote my daily checklist. Did I eat breakfast? Did I eat lunch? Did I exercise? Did I go outside into my yard? Did I read for a bit? These are my self-care items. Some days I miss, but I also get to see that I'm crossing things off and taking care of myself through this; and with that my depression is in check. I have you to thank for that. It's my turn to share something with you. It isn't an ADHD resource, but something that helped me find peace with who I am, and that is 'the work' by Byron Katie. I introduce it to you here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=YzJlHg9Lc9k I'd hug you if you could. We'll get through this together.


Thank you for reminding me we are not alone in this. It's good to be reminded because things are so hard right now, and my routine with eating and exercise is so off and I'm gaining weight everyday and it's scarying me. Here's to figuring it out, again!


I can 100% relate!!! BTW, what you said at the end is SO INSPIRATIONAL: “You don’t have to be normal to do great things in the world.” I think I need to plaster that on one of my walls to remind myself of this regularly!


Thank you for sharing this! I’m lucky to have a job I can do from home but the focus struggle is real. My first days home I was so so productive without all the distractions of being in an office with coworkers. Now I’m struggling balancing the emotional toll of covid/quarantine with getting enough job-related work done. Thank you for being a resource for us ❤


I'm new here, but I would really like to remind you, even neurotypical people are struggling right now. We are all struggling. I assume that I'm going to be less productive right now. Everything's been turned upside down and I'm having to make a bunch of new routines. I have some days where I'm normal levels of productive, and maybe those will increase, maybe they won't. There are a lot of strategies we simply can't avail ourselves of right now due to the covid situation. Try and give yourself the space to be less functional right now, and appreciate the times when you're more functional. Try and be kind and compassionate with yourself.


Thank you so much for sharing! I've also been having a lot of days like that. While I normally work from home and my work hasn't been impacted too terribly, there's this underlying anxiety about my friends, family, and the world that just eats at the few spoons I have. And then I've had to step things up to make sure our collective parental units are getting what they need - food, medical care for chronic conditions - and that would be a lot for a neurotypical person. I have a lot of days where I'm hanging on by a string. The "silver lining," on the day I finally had to have my screaming, yelling, and crying fit... my FitBit recorded it as a 35 minute heavy duty workout. So... yay something? Good luck and the work you do is amazing. Take care of you during all this, too. <3


I'm really proud of you!


Omg! This is my whole life! It's that one little thing.


That's so awesome, well done on the Collab. I'm an artist/creative with ADHD and CPTSD and as an artist I want total freedom, so my channel doesn't get much traffic as I'm boxed into NSFW....as you rightly said in your Ted talk, we have to live outside the box and sometimes we are not even aware there is a box! I like to collapse all boxes!! But then exploring vulnerability, transparency and authenticity as themes of my work, put me in the NSFW box. Ooh a life without boxes would be so great!!!


I'm sorry you lost your shirt, but very glad that you talk about experiences like this. It's heartening to know that the beautiful lady behind all those perfectly polished and amazingly helpful videos shares many of the same issues I struggle with every day, and still produces one of the best ADHD resources in the world. Letting us see the full spectrum of your experiences really helps me feel that I CAN still make a positive difference despite the quagmire of obstacles that are uniquely ours. Thank you so much! »hugs«