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Thank you to those of you who submitted one — for those who still want to, email jessica@howtoadhd.com with:

1) ways you were unsuccessful in college

2) ways you were successful in college

3) any specific tips from this channel that have helped

Thank you!!! It’ll all be anonymous but I may use quotes/pieces from your story


Day 276 — college experience emails!



Toronto!!! Hi Jessica!Any chance we can meet in Toronto next week?!You have been an instrumental foundation in supporting my students by offering them a sense of inclusion, a better understanding, but most importantly? - It's your smile, your energy and paramount, honesty. I am so very grateful for your ongoing message, for the tears you have elicited in myself and children and young adults I coach. The heartfelt tears are an example of how deeply you've touched my clients (and meeeeee!) - it's about not only the fact that they are part of a community, but have been empowered with steps to move onwards as a proud and informed ADHDers. Please Jessica, would so love to meet you!With heartfelt gratitude,Doug (The Red Oak Centre/Toronto) dgrundman@theredoak.ca

Blake Chambers

Heard your interview about the talk. Awesome! Anyways we could contribute stories such that you're job is easier?