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Day 252 — Yeah, that didn’t work.



I tried to BuJo this summer and I couldn't keep it up for more than a month, so I resorted back to Google Keep lists, which I've learned work for me. Now that I've started my last semester of school, I have lots of aspirations like continuing to go to work (because money is important) while also studying and exercising every day. However, this wasn't working. Not because my method didn't work, but because I was trying to do too much new stuff instead of focusing on the important stuff, like going to work and class and doing my homework. So now I'm working out only when I have the time, instead of forcing myself to get up early every day to workout before being productive


A tale of trial and error :)


I find that if I keep my to-do list stupidly simple, and triple the time I think things are going to take—so that it feels to me like I’m not even *trying* to get a lot done—in the end I actually get *way more* done than if I make an aspirational list of things I think I should be able to get done, and then get bogged down in overwhelm.


Also, I’m pretty sure that neurotypical people get way less done on a daily basis than we think they do. I think we are really ambitious about what we want to get done in X amount of time, and we assume folks who seem to be functioning normally are similarly are equally ambitious. I think they have realistic expectations of themselves and they only seem so successful because we are shooting for (and failing to reach) such a higher mark.


Good message to all Jessica, thank you!


Yes, I SUCK at reviewing my systems. I'm all "FWD" and very little "REV" thinking. Oh you nailed me with the "steps" literally and figuratively-as I'm recovering from my run Sunday when I took too big a step and pulled a muscle. Wonderful. I do tend to bite off Big Chunks... Okay. thanks Jess.


This is incredibly valuable advice for me, every time I've had a "renaissance" and made plans, I've always over encumbered myself with overambition, and gotten disappointed and discouraged when I've failed to not follow through with all of it. It's all quite ironic, I guess that's ADHD in a nutshell. Thank you so much! And also, wow you look cute in pink and with that hair!


My BuJo has been my tracker friend... I set a rule for myself that it is OK not to X off everything... what it does is take the temp on how I'm doing and where I need to adjust. Good for you for evaluating what wasn't working and modifying it to what can work for you.


I'm terrible at tracking things, I'd write stuff down and forget where I put it, or put the pen. I have two magnetic whiteboards so maybe I should make them into magnetic sticker boards or something like that and track myself. Is there handouts for people who don't have a clue where to start?