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Day 251 — Sticker chart, what’s up.



Hi, I'm kinda new here. I just wanted you to know I actually started using stickers in my monthly calendar this week. And they are a great way to keep track of progress! I was all ready in the process of getting organized with the Time Budget, and a few other videos and charts that go with the videos. And so far things are going great! You have a lot of really great ideas and they have really helped me keep on top of things!


Nail it to the wall. Hmph. May have to try that, have been unable to stick with BuJo. Glad you're getting "more normal", heal well. "Stop Working" yes I'm good at that, it's all that other stuff I have to learn to balance and make happen.


Great work Jessica, we are all proud of you and we all love you and your work.


I've been having trouble sticking with a BuJo. I've been looking into getting a wall-mounted calendar which I've only ever had when I lived at home with my parents but now I've started to see the benefits of having one


Great idea ! I've been trying to make a routine chart like that one but haven't succeed yet. Your sticker chart can help me identify what wasn't working ! thank you ! Take care of yourself, you deserve it


Nice. Is there somewhere on your website with a sample of that chart template?