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Day 242 — Sneak peek at the New Year’s Song!



That was pretty good, can't wait to see the polished version as well. It is super awesome to see that you seem to be getting back to a good place since the holidays; your smile and joy seems infectious and I feel just a little bit in a better mood myself for it.


Do it badly! Good mantra for my I'm so stuck in my research proposal writing proces, because I want it to be perfect so they will accept it. Just had a friend who made me promise to send her a crappy quick write version Tuesday. Hopefully that will help to atleast finally get me started. Hopefully. Looking forward to final version!


Of your song :D


That was awesome!!!! A few months ago I started something along the same concept. Lower your bar. Which sounds like the opposite thing you need to do for success, but yes, do it badly, lower your bar, just do it at whatever level you can do it at. Thank you so much for all of your videos


Jessica, true story. This morning my 10’yo son is completing the second half of a psycho-educational assessment for an update as he has ADHD, is gifted and is also LD. He’s super hard on himself. When I watched this video I was looking for a good time to share it with both my kids. Ten minutes ago he and I the psychologist appeared as he was struggling with the final parts. He felt like it was too hard and was given a break. I showed him the video and we talked about how all these other people have struggles like we do, we’re not alone and that we don’t have to do things perfectly we just try our best at the moment. He asked me if we could get a pack of Pokémon (that was already coming to him) after he was done, gave me a kiss, stood up and went back into the testing room. THANK YOU. Seeing that version of your song and progress was just as important as the song itself. 😘


Adorable. Love the song.


Nicely done! I love hearing that list of things we all need to do in a positive song. It so great to find a place where I'm not weird and I'm not the only one and there's a group of people working on these same things and supporting each other. Also, I too like the idea of not having to do everything perfectly; that writing those three pages is enough even if they are terrible, and I'm not making this up I wrote three terrible pages yesterday and you reminded me I need to scratch out another three. It also reminds me of one thing in my routine that I'm fairly successful at which is my running. I run every day and my goal is to get in 10K a day, generally 5K in the morning and 5K in the evening. But some days I'm super tired and my pace is super slow, but I tell myself, forget about the pace just finish this 5K! And I feel so much better even if it's at a pace that would make other runners laugh. And sometimes when it's an especially bad day I will just walk one of the 5Ks, but it's ok because I got those kilometers in for the day! And I maintain the routine. Thank you!


This is a great message! I love that you're using goals from the tribe


Great message “just do it even if it is no perfect”, good logo to put on the back of brain t-shirts. Or “I just did it, do not care if it is not perfect” or “Done but not perfect” or “Doing it is more important than how perfect” or “One less thing off the Check List” or “Not doing a check List item is not an option” your playing has improved I see which is great!


It would be awesome to be less self-deprecating :/


This is so awesome!!! Made it into a song lol 😂😂


Need more <3 to post!!! <3 <3 <3 Love this so much!