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Rebuilding Routines.



Be sure you vitamin D levels are up (N/A's need supplementation all Winter at least). It works as a hormone more than a vitamin. I've been down too, let's get out of the slump!


I can totally relate ! I’m in that moment of my life where everything has changed and i went so so deep that i feel i’ll never be able to go up again. I have to rebuild all my routines and it’s exhausting. But thanks to you, thanks to the ADHD community i find the strengh to get up every day and deal with my life. Hang in there ! You can do this !! You are not alone. I send all my positive vibrations to you !


I honestly can't think of anything that hasn't been said already, so I'll just say that I support you and hope you can get back on track. Lots of virtual hugs and well wishes. I'm in a much better place because of the work you do.


Virtual hugs your way. Change is hard. Not to mention that Portland is rough this time of year if you're used to sun and warmth.


Jessica - You need to take care of you first! You have been such an amazing support to brains and hearts alike, and it's okay to pause and prioritize taking care of yourself first and letting others support you. We're all here for you!


Feeling this super hard right now. Just sat down to edit something seriously for the first time in months today. It can be especially hard when one's creative process involves watching themselves make mistake after mistake, while listening to all the verbal ticks I have.....It took a minute to be ok doing that again. :-| I hope your routines start to get easier again soon. It is ok to need some time to not be creative too. I promise. *big virtual hugs*


I'm not sure what to say, except I can relate to the feelings you are describing. You are not alone. I hope you find the time and space to take care of yourself. Routines can help, so great to hear that you are taking steps to rebuild them. Even babysteps are still steps. A saying I also have to remember, eventough I find it difficult to believe it emotionally. You can do this!


"Always, we begin again." It's the mantra of the ADHDer and what I have written up on my wall after some inciteful person on Patreon told it to me. Our superpower is that we have a nearly infinite ability to pick ourselves back up after we have fallen down, to reinvent ourselves or just reinvest ourselves. To try again, to come closer to doing all the things we are capable of. Emotion stuff takes its toll, and shouldn't be taken lightly. About the same time I discovered the ADHD community, I was in charge of a major anthology project for a whole bunch of authors...something I had done successfully 4 times before. And something that, this time, I failed at BIG TIME, and still have not completed. But every time I find it in me to pick it back up, I come closer to finishing it, even if I have to drop it again before it's done because of life. If I can just keep picking it back up, then one day I will complete it. Your fans are patient, and understanding. We have BEEN here. If you had all your sh*t perfectly together, you wouldn't be as relatable, as much US. You are still an ideal for many of us to aspire to, but an attainable one, because your struggles are our struggles. And every time you begin again, we do as well <3


Love you Jessica - and if this is just a slump- or I'm reading between the lines and some bad event has happened- we're here rooting for you & cheering you on. I find I go on emotional roller coasters and often fall off them... especially when a life event has take the wind out of my sails. Most recent- my husband deployed this past Friday & he will be gone a year. He is in a situation he will be able to take leave & we can talk often on the phone- but now I am responsible for my dad, the house, etc on my own.... it can be overwhelm- well right now it is overwhelm... But- part of what helps me is having commitments to push me forward- even tho I sometimes want to tell them all to go do it themselves. We'll be here when you are ready (((hugs)))


Jessica--all is well. ALL is well. It really is. Just know that. As for me, I'm writing you this from a hotel room 4 miles from my perfectly fine house, where I checked myself in just to limit the distractions of home and possibly give me a chance to slog through a ton of stuff I've been trying to get done...it's really been helpful. While on one hand, I felt a tad bit like I was being wasteful spending money like this--in reality it's not as much as a good massage with tip! But--most importantly--I think it's working! Sending you love--


i just became a contributor. i honestly wish i could tell you face to face with a hug... YOU, have changed my life... and i am 45. i found your channel about 2 months ago, and it shattered me to pieces. Someone told me WHAT to do and HOW to do it. My first challenge, i did not believe i had ADHD, i truly thought i was going insane and just doing a great job hiding it. i told my therapist and my psychiatrist AS SOON AS WATCHED YOUR FIRST VIDEO. Sent i to my family and every teacher i know. You seem to be pushing through, by your posts above, BUT... you are creating the life you NEED and if myself or anyone else is contributing to that, then YOU DO YOU... EXACTLY AS YOU NEED! my biggest hug to you!


I just became a contributor. I am honestly in the same place. I totally understand. I'm stuck and just trying to rebuild my routines so that I can get more done each day. I am doing much better after my initial complete burnout from teaching very challenging students for 4 years as a Sped teacher. Its been about a year and a half. Just trying to focus on completing my Master's Thesis and I'm stuck. Probably bored with it, but stuck regardless. All this to say that I completely understand the struggle. Hang in there and try to just take it one day at a time.