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Day 237 -- Good Days Don't Have to be Perfect.

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With the challenges that we face with ADHD, there are good days and there are bad days. However, it is like traveling by air, my motto is “when it is good, it is good, when it is bad it is really bad”. So, when you have a bad day, it can be a really bad day. Sometimes, the worse time for me is in the morning when I get up and I have not taken my medication yet. The last two days have been horribly bad mornings getting up and mentally challenging. It has been a mental challenge start to the day, which causes the difficulty getting up. It takes me about an hour on those days for my medications to get me to a point to be able to deal with what life is throwing at me. All these difficult mornings have been triggered by a dream. Right now, it is the holidays which I do not like that much for several reasons. However with the ADHD they make it even rougher. I deal with more melt downs, depression and anxiety during the holidays. Last night the issue was scheduling a week of seeing my son. It appears as he said “it would be better to meet me somewhere safe enough to leave his car sit for a week.” I guess his mother (my EX), is having some issues with me, again. After that it goes downhill. It is good to see that you did make some progress and I do to at times too. Hang in there, it will all work out.


I love emojis and gifs, because I can still communicate when I can't communicate in words <3 Glad you got through it and it's not always easy to identify WHY things went off the rails. Just trying to get the train back ON track is the priority, and hopefully the cause becomes clear over time. I once went non-verbal with my husband for a solid week. I think it was one of the better weeks of his life :P (he has a really low threshold for being over-stimulated and dealing with distractions himself. Having a wife who was happy but was also quiet and signing when she needed things worked way better for him :P My Adderall makes me VERY chatty, so some respite from that...yah.... :P)