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Day 236 — Relationships are hard.



All the best! I hope you can sort things out whichever way it goes. And thank you for being there for us.


It is getting closer to the holidays and they always are stressful to begin with and make it difficult. I can relate to the medications just stays in one place or in my case moving to another city. I take two class 2 medications for my ADHD conditions. That does not include the class 2 medication for my back pain. My regular doctor will prescribe my ADHD medication on the condition of random drug tests which I take for my pain medication and cost $130 out of pocket per test. Now I have to do it for my ADHD medication. I feel like I am being treated as a criminal because people that abuse medication. I have to take drug tests to make sure I am taking the medication I am being prescribed. It has gotten old and all the bills they pass to prevent drug abuse just keeps making it harder for people that need them to get them. I had a melt

Meaghan Glynn

You are always entitled to your privacy, but thank you for sharing with us! Hang in there.


Were you aware that they have Santa hats and suits for dogs?


I don't even run a business WITH my husband, but just us running two separate business out of the house is hard, especially since his involves keeping inventory EVERYWHERE and having people come to our house at odd hours, meaning it has to look relatively clean at all times. And mine involves me trying to find times where I can work in silence...which since we're both working the same hours again and he wants to talk to me hasn't been working out so well. Helping the ADHD community is a passion of both of yours, and I know you've been burning the candle at not only both ends but also in the middle. But you both have a lot of people as passionate, and who are willing and wanting to support. Take time, take time off, and accept help when and where you can <3


My first post got cut off some how. I had a meltdown over a stove with Lowe’s. Holidays are tough to begin with let alone doing all the great work you are doing. Take your time and use the down time to regroup, rest and relax. I am sure that everyone understands that things are difficult and hard. You cannot help people if you are not helping yourself. You deserve a break and I understand it completely. Enjoy the holidays!!!!!!!


happy well wishes for the holidays & I hope the down time ends up being just what you both need to get things to a better place. :)


Thank you for everything that you have done for me personally and the ADHD community as a whole. Your channel is one of the things that helped me out of one of the darkest time of my life. I wish you the best of luck re-grouping and getting to were you need to be. Take all the time you need to do this. Do what you need to do to get to where that needs to be. Some of the worst fights my wife and I have been over assembling ikea furniture. So smart idea hiring task rabbit to get it assembled. I really hope whatever happens to you that you get to the place you need to be. GOOD LUCK!!!! The community will be with you!!!


I absolutely understand. Relationships are so hard and I'm so impulsive and that doesn't help either. Time out can be a wonderful thing for your own sanity and for a relationship (and not just with partners, but with kids, parents, friends etc.) Lots of love to you and Edward.


I hope you’re doing okay. My husband and I run a business together as well and have ADHD & ASD so I feel for you. We watch your videos together, and have had some wicked fights too - and they often escalate into stand-off town. I hope you guys figure it out - and I want you to know that we’ve adored you for ages and hope you guys can work through stuff. Relationships are hard. They’re even harder with one ADHDer. Even harder with 2. And harder still with the stress of business and working together on top of it. We are getting better but we still have our moments. ❤️ Been thinking about a Youtube channel where we talk about it. Maybe!