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Holy cow so much ramble! Actually, two main subjects today: my mom's birthday is September 13 (Thursday), and I put together a video of my dad, and I also talk about what the Company (tm) is teaching me about intentionality (starting at 4:00 if you want to jump ahead). If you do happen to leave my mom a happy birthday message, I promise to screen cap and send them to her (she goes by "Rob", long story) Big hugs! E


Day 189 - My Dad, my mom's birthday, and Intentionality (part one, probably)

Holy cow so much ramble! Actually, two main subjects today: my mom's birthday is September 13 (Thursday), and I put together a video of my dad, and I also talk about what the Company (tm) is teaching me about intentionality (starting at 4:00 if you want to jump ahead). If you do happen to leave my mom a happy birthday message, I promise to screen cap and send them to her (she goes by "Rob", long story) Big hugs! E



Happy Birthday Edward’s Mom!!!


Happy Birthday Rob! (from Rob) I also really appreciate your thoughts about intentionality.


happy birhtday !!! :D

How to ADHD

Wow I didn’t even realize that’s what I was doing, but yeah :) intentionality. I think that’s why mindfulness is so helpful for ADHD.


So I know you have the channel name "How to ADHD," but do you have a production company name? That might help instead of referring to "the company" as your business partner. Unless your production name is "The Company," in which case, keep doing what your doing! XD


Maybe when you plan out your day, one of the steps is to see where you're at at X:XX time, and pick a next milestone to complete as a stopping point. Then your emails can be more like "these are all the things that need to be done for this task, at whatever o'clock, I'm going to pick a step to complete and set it down for the day, I'm hoping to be somewhere in XXX part of the process.


At first, you could have the company stop in at that time and talk to you about where you're at, and what you're going to stop on, and slowly replace them with a timer or something until you can start to do that for yourself?


You guys should make a "How to Work From Home" video for the main channel haha