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Things are going well! Well does not mean perfect :)


Day 176 -- Artist and the Adult update

Things are going well! Well does not mean perfect :)



It's always scary to be vulnerable, but it's always wonderful to see that there are other people out there (even successful YouTube Creators) who have a similar narrative to your own, especially when your narrative is not the "average" narrative. Sending a big ol' I love you sign right back to you both <3


I just watched the teacher episode and I have to admit that as a 54 year old man I was surprised at how much I cried watching it. It makes me realize how long I have internalized my feelings about growing up with undiagnosed ADHD. I had all but given up on trying to explain ADHD to those that don't have it or don't understand it. You did a fantastic job explaining ADHD in this video and even touched on some feeling that I haven't heard you mention before. I appreciate all that you are doing and I am going to show my teacher wife the video when she gets home today. She is really is good about dealing with students that have challenges. But even she doesn't truly understand what it was like and continues to be like for me. After having to deal with at least one or two untreated or undiagnosed ADHD kids during the day, she sometimes doesn't have the tolerance to deal with me and I can understand it. It can be hard to deal with me when my meds wear off in the evening. BTW, I know that teachers and parents can be on opposing sides when it comes to students with ADHD. I can tell you that she really wishes that she could just suggest to a parent to get their kid tested. But her school administration will not allow a teacher to suggest such a thing, for what I assume are legal or obligatory reasons. So she hints around, and hopes that a parent will ask the question out loud "is it possible my kid has ADHD?" Just seems so unfair to the kids that struggle with this condition. I mean if the child is getting headaches in class, it isn't a problem to suggest that they get there eyes checked. Why should this be any different? Thanks so much a keep up the great work you two are doing!


You two are adorable. I love the way you lift one another up. Thank you so much for all you both do for the community!