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In day 104, Edward shares something he learned from getting one year older. PLEASE share your #wordsofwisdom - and why it's important to you - below in the comments, or tag it #wordsofwisdom in the Discord, and Edward will read some of them this Friday. It can be a story that taught you something, or a piece of advice, anything you've picked up along the way. It can be ADHD related or not - it just has to be important to you. #WORDSOFWISDOM LET'S DO THIS!


Day 104 - #WordsOfWisdom LET'S DO THIS!!

In day 104, Edward shares something he learned from getting one year older. PLEASE share your #wordsofwisdom - and why it's important to you - below in the comments, or tag it #wordsofwisdom in the Discord, and Edward will read some of them this Friday. It can be a story that taught you something, or a piece of advice, anything you've picked up along the way. It can be ADHD related or not - it just has to be important to you. #WORDSOFWISDOM LET'S DO THIS!



No matter where you go, there you are!


"Stop being a child about being a child" is wonderfully wise :D I'm turning 40 this year, and yah...still no clue. I kind of live by "It's never too late." with the caveat that when it IS too late, it's usually not your problem anymore :P ... also, maybe "Leave a clean life, and a corpse they have to use forensics to identify" but again, that's just my preference :D


I turned 56 last month and if anybody would have told I would be where I am at now, I would never have believed them. I have two children, one graduating Rochester Institute of Technology this weekend, my son graduates high school next month. I still don't know what I want to do with my life. Words of wisdom, "never give up being a child", "do not live your life for other people (i.e. Be yourself)", "Just when you think you understand life, the rules change. Now when I did field service work (going to the customers site and fixing the computer ) I learned two lines that covered everything. It was like that when I got here and it is supposed to work that way. The nice part about fixing something that is broken, the odds are you are going to fix it or it is still going to be broken, refer to " it was like that when I found it". Life is too short to be taken seriously, so have fun no matter how old you are at any time. People do not mess with someone who is crazy. Readers Digest had a thing years ago about life's lessons. I wished I had saved it because it would be perfect. Like "heat provided does not mean guaranteed". Edward you are 37, have a full head of hair, a beautiful wife and you are doing what you like, it is just a number. Stop worrying about a number and enjoy life.


"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor roosevelt. This quote was told to me when i was in 5th grade by my teacher mrs. Newcomb. This was a hard time in my life and just kept getting harder from then on, but that quote made it so i could not care what bullies said (i was already pretty good at it by that age but it made me get better)


Here is one my aunt told that I did not take seriously but is true, "growing old is not for sissies".


my dad always told me "people always make mistakes, its what you do after that defines your character" I am not sure if he realized just how helpful that advice really was to someone with adhd, but I felt less negatively about my many mistakes, so long as I learned from them in some way & put forth effort to make it right/better.